
sǎo mánɡ yùn dònɡ
  • literacy campaign;eliminate illiteracy;anti-illiteracy crusade;sweep out illiteracy
  1. 政府开展一场大规模的扫盲运动。

    The government has launched a massive literacy campaign .

  2. 中国扫盲运动始于上世纪50年代。

    The literacy campaign started from the 50s of the last century in China .

  3. 扫盲运动生气勃勃地展开了。

    The campaign to wipe out illiteracy launched out with great vigour .

  4. 蒙古人民革命胜利后扫盲运动的开展及其意义

    The Influence and Development of the Illiteracy Elimination Movement of Mongolia

  5. 十年来安徽扫盲运动经历了三个发展阶段。

    Ten years to anhui literacy movement has experienced three stages of development .

  6. 20世纪50年代中国农村扫盲运动取得了巨大成功,它提高了中国广大农村群众的素质;

    The rural anti - illiteracy campaign in 1950 's made great success .

  7. 每个周末都有一万名教师到农村去进行扫盲运动。

    Each weekend 10,000 teachers go into the countryside to run a campaign against illiteracy .

  8. 20世纪50年代河北省农村扫盲运动与全国的扫盲运动相一致,先后经历了三次高潮。

    The campaign is consistent with the national anti-illiteracy , successively has experienced three high tides .

  9. 中华平民教育促进会扫盲运动的历史考察

    An Historical Examination of the Literacy Campaign of the Chinese National Association of the Mass Education

  10. 有些地方把扫盲运动扫掉了,这不好。

    In some places , this campaign has itself been wiped out . This is not good .

  11. 有人说起了过去他们参加的扫盲运动。

    A few of them spoke of a previous adult literacy campaign into which they had been drawn .

  12. 第九,扫盲运动,我看要扫起来才好。

    Ninth , as for the campaign to wipe out illiteracy , I think we had better get it going .

  13. 他的努力正得到体现,星巴克与众多棒球明星通力合作,在成年入中间展开了一场扫盲运动。

    As part of his ongoing efforts , Starbucks teamed up with baseball stars to promote an adult literacy campaign .

  14. 网站还要求访问者来参加全球扫盲运动,从而来减少全球文盲数量。

    The website has asked visitors to join a Global Literacy Movement to reduce the number of illiterate people in the world .

  15. 凯-沙特尔沃斯民众教育思想述评中华平民教育促进会扫盲运动的历史考察

    Reviewing the Mass Education Thought of K. Shuttleworth An Historical Examination of the Literacy Campaign of the Chinese National Association of the Mass Education

  16. 罗纳尔多这位可以说是巴西最知名的人,已经得到他所在的西班牙足球队“皇家马德里”的允许,去领导这场扫盲运动。

    Ronaldo , arguably Brazil 's best-known individual , has received permission from his Spanish soccer team , Real Madrid , to lead the literacy campaign .

  17. 其中有些问题及时得到纠正,但有些现象却屡禁不绝,成为阻碍扫盲运动正常发展的顽疾。

    Some of problems promptly obtain the correction , but some phenomena actually repeatedly haunted in the movement and became the " stubborn illness " which nullified the anti-illiteracy normal development .

  18. 解放后的大规模扫盲运动、提高与普及的思想、教育与生产劳动相结合的思想促进了我国建国初期教育事业的发展。

    The mass of anti-illiteracy movement , the thought of raise standards and popularization and the thought of education productive with labour after the liberation had promoted the improvement of education .

  19. 巴西政府准备请国家足球明星罗纳尔多在新的扫盲运动中担当先锋,此次扫盲运动针对的是两千万不能读写的巴西成年人。

    BRASILIA ( Reuters ) - Brazil 's government is turning to national soccer star Ronaldo to spearhead a new literacy campaign aimed at the20 million Brazilian adults who cannot read or write .