
jī xiè ɡōnɡ chénɡ shī
  • mechanical engineer
  1. 火车司机vt.策划汤姆是个优秀的机械工程师。

    Tom is a good mechanical engineer .

  2. 为了应对熟手工人老龄化的问题,航空业巨头波音公司(Boeing)委托麻省理工学院(MIT)机械工程师,博士研究生弗雷德里科o帕里亚蒂从事这项研究。

    FredericoParietti , a mechanical engineer and doctoral candidate at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology , is working on research commissioned by the aerospace company Boeing , which faces the problem of its highly-skilled factory workforce aging .

  3. 机械工程师学会,C部分:机械工程科学杂志。

    Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers , Part C : Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science .

  4. WTO与机械工程师的素质

    The Relation between WTO and Quality of Mechanical Engineers

  5. 我们获得美国机械工程师协会的认证。PP,R,QC程序都由主要的终端用户提供。

    We hold the ASME stamps U , S , A , PP , and R and our QC program is approved by most major end users .

  6. 德克萨斯农工大学(A&MUniversity)教授、美国机械工程师协会(AmericanSocietyofMechanicalEngineers)能源和可持续性纳米工程小组成员帕沙o穆克荷吉表示,现在还没到放弃锂离子电池的时候。

    Don 't give up on lithium-ion just yet , says Partha Mukherjee , a professor at Texas A & M University and leader in the American Society of Mechanical Engineers " Nanoengineering for Energy and Sustainability group .

  7. 伦敦机械工程师协会(InstitutionofMechanicalEngineers)医疗保健主管海伦.米斯(HelenMeese)表示蓝光英诺的研究“对于全球生物科技界是一项令人振奋的成果”。

    Helen Meese , head of healthcare at the Institution of Mechanical Engineers in London , said Revotek 's work was a " very exciting result for the global biotech community . "

  8. 同样,根据noc对于机械工程师的描述,申请人须证明他履行所列出的“全部或某些”职责。

    Similarly , the NOC description for mechanical engineers requires an applicant to show that he has performed " some or all " of the listed duties .

  9. “月球漫步者”运动鞋的创意来自机械工程师帕特里克·杰吉里。在接受生命科学网采访时,他解释说磁铁的磁力由磁铁的构成决定,包括钕、铁和硼,因此他选择使用N45磁铁,既有最强磁力,也比多数磁铁便宜。

    Speaking to Live Science , mechanical engineer Patrick Jreijiri , the brains behind MoonWalker , explained that the strength of a magnet depends on its composition - a mix of neodymium , iron , and boron . So he chose N45 , which is not only the strongest but also cheaper than most magnets .

  10. 机械工程师并学过管道领域的相关课程。

    Graduate Mechanical Engineer with relevant course related to piping field .

  11. 我表姐史黛西比我大15岁,是位机械工程师。

    And my cousin Stacy was about 15-years older than me .

  12. 什么是机械工程师和土木工程师的区别?

    What is the difference between mechanical engineers and civil engineers ?

  13. 哦,是的,……机械工程师吗?

    Man : Oh yes , for the ... mechanical engineer ?

  14. 宾夕法尼亚州立大学的机械工程师兰迪说道,

    Randy , a mechanical engineer at Penn State said ,

  15. 机械工程师制造武器,而土木工程师制造(攻击)目标。

    Mechanical engineers build weapons and civil engineers build targets .

  16. 在改进现有发明方面,德国机械工程师技艺非凡。

    German mechanical engineers are brilliant at improving existing inventions .

  17. 面向机械工程师训练的实践教学改革

    Reform of Practical Instruction to Train Competent Mechanical Engineers

  18. 机械工程师的创新素质与培养模式

    Mode to Foster the Original Quality of Mechanical Engineers

  19. 最终具体设计和的报价,稍后将会和你的公司机械工程师进行交谈。

    These machines will be required as soon as quoting and delivery allows .

  20. 大学毕业,机械工程师背景优先。

    University graduated with mechanical engineer background is preference .

  21. 我想成为一名机械工程师。

    I would like to be a mechanical engineer .

  22. 他在夜校的学习使他能担任机械工程师的工作。

    His evening study has equipped him for a career as a mechanical engineer .

  23. 矿业、电气与机械工程师协会本科或大专学历,机械工程或相关专业。

    Bachelor or senior college degree , major in mechanical engineering or relative subject .

  24. 我父亲是机械工程师。

    My father is a mechanical engineer .

  25. 期间作为机械工程师主要负责自动扶梯传动系统与围裙板,内外盖板的设计。

    Appointed mechanical engineering for drive , skirting , cover design and escalator nonstandard design .

  26. 最后根据美国机械工程师协会的相关标准进行了两台机组的性能试验。

    Performance tests in according with the ASME standards for these two units are done .

  27. 采矿与机械工程师协会

    Institute of Mining and Mechanical Engineers

  28. 我是一个机械工程师。

    I 'm a Mechanical Engineer .

  29. 机械工程师与农民,生物学家一起共事,共同生产制造出化肥,机械和收割系统。

    Mechanical engineers have worked with farmers and biologists to produce fertilizers , machinery and harvesting systems .

  30. 英国机械工程师学会

    British Institution of Mechanical Engineers