
jī guān
  • organ;body;office;establishment;mechanism;scheme;gear;stratagem;intrigue;machine-operated
机关 [jī guān]
  • (1) [establishment;office;body;organ]∶办理事务的单位或机构

  • 慈善机关

  • (2) [mechanism;gear]∶控制整个机械的关键部分

  • (3) [stratagem;scheme;intrigue]∶计策;权术

  • 识破机关

机关[jī guān]
  1. 凡是经过公证机关证明的公证遗嘱,应不可置疑地确认它的真实性与合法性。

    The notary testament should be confirm truth and legal nature that it has proved with the notarization mechanism .

  2. 利用这个机关,医生可以随时给他注射镇静剂。

    With a trigger mechanism , the doctor was able to administer small doses of a sedative as needed .

  3. 警察机关正试图从少数民族中征募更多的新警员。

    The police are trying to recruit more officers from ethnic minorities .

  4. 大量此类信息在警察机关其他部门中流传。

    A lot of this information flowed through other police departments

  5. 他知道行政机关办事效率低。

    He knows the wheels of administration turn slowly .

  6. 2,000名分属各个国家机关的工作人员将在3月31日前被解雇。

    2,000 workers across all state agencies are to be fired by March 31st .

  7. 上个月他从陆军情报机关开小差跑了。

    He deserted from army intelligence last month

  8. 呈交立法机关的提案内容包括成立两个专门审理暴力犯罪的特别法庭。

    The proposals before the legislature include the creation of two special courts to deal exclusively with violent crimes .

  9. 我在政府机关工作。我想那是一个责任重大的职位,但并不是很有意思。

    I work in a government office . It 's a responsible position , I suppose , but not very exciting

  10. 他想望在政府行政机关里谋到一个职位。

    He desired to obtain a position in the Civil Service .

  11. 党政机关要廉洁。

    The Party and government institutions should remain honest and clean .

  12. 法院为政府的主要机关之一。

    A court is one of the chief organs of government .

  13. 立法机关废除了不得人心的租借法案。

    The legislature repealed the unpopular Rent Act .

  14. 国家机关必须实行精简的原则。

    Every organ of state must apply the principle of efficient and simple administration .

  15. 人民代表大会代表有权向国家机关提出质询。

    Deputies to the People 's Congresses have the right to address inquiries to state organs .

  16. 机关败露。

    One 's plot failed .

  17. 斯坦尼什是安第斯文明考古领域的权威人士,他花了九年时间在ebay上追踪文物买卖,他也寻求美国缉私机关的帮助,探访那些伪造文物的作坊。

    Stanish is an authority on Andean archaeology . he 's been tracking antiquities on eBay for nine years .

  18. 这份报纸是工党的正式机关报。

    This paper is the official organ of the socialist party .

  19. 我丈夫在政府机关里担任一个好职务。

    My husband has a good position in a government office .

  20. 你们在机关坐办公室,不了解下面的情况。

    You work in an office and don 't understand conditions down below .

  21. 出入境人员应接受口岸检察机关的查验。

    All those entering and leaving the country shall submit to inspection at the port .

  22. 他之前记忆力就一直很好,但是年轻爱情的兴奋感似乎拨动了他脑中的某个机关。

    He had always had a good memory , but the thrill of young love seems to have shifted a gear in his mind .

  23. 劳驾,请你把收音机关上好不好?

    Would you have the goodness to turn off the radio ?

  24. 特务机关的代理人把演讲者驱逐出竞技场。

    The secret service agents hustled the speaker out of the amphitheater .

  25. 已决事件和间接禁止翻供的事实恐怕也限制机关的自由裁量权。

    Res judicata and collateral estoppel may also limit an agency 's discretion .

  26. 所有政府机关极其工作人员都必须认真执行国家的法律,法规和政策

    All government institutions functionaries must implement state laws , decrees and policies .

  27. 并不是所有的司法机关创制的法都以是以成文法或宪法的解释为基础的。

    Not all judicially created laws are based on statutory or constitutional interpretation .

  28. 情报机关招募的新成员要经过严格的审查

    The recruits were thoroughly vetted before they were allowed into the secret service .

  29. 第三十一条男女双方自愿离婚的,准予离婚。双方必须到婚姻登记机关申请离婚。

    Article 31 Divorce shall be granted if husband and wife both desire it .

  30. 许多机关的授权法案也没有明确论及要求告知的条款

    Nor do many agency enabling acts deal explicitly with the subject of discovery .