
jī dònɡ chē liànɡ
  • motor vehicle;motor-driven vehicle;mechanically-propelled vehicle;motor-coach
  1. 人们必须以书信方式重新登记机动车辆。

    People had to renew their motor vehicle registrations through the mail

  2. 保险杠是机动车辆的一部分。

    A bumper is a part of a motor vehicle .

  3. 机动车辆偷盗案上升了15.9%。

    Theft of motor vehicles is up by 15.9 % .

  4. 加州机动车辆管理局(CaliforniaDepartmentofMotorVehicles)从4月份开始发放许可证,允许公司在公共道路上测试真正的自动驾驶汽车。

    The California Department of Motor Vehicles began giving permits in April for companies to test truly self-driving cars on public roads .

  5. 世界各地的发明家都在争先恐后地来造机动车辆

    Inventors everywhere were scrambling to build motorized vehicles .

  6. 基于Web和Oracle数据库的机动车辆网络管理系统

    Network management system of vehicles based on web and oracle database

  7. GPS机动车辆管理系统实现方案分析

    Scheme for Mobile Management System based on GPS

  8. 今年4月,Drive.ai成为第13家获得加州机动车辆管理局(DepartmentofMotorVehicles)批准进行自动驾驶测试的公司。

    In April , Drive.ai became the 13th company to be approved for autonomous testing in California by the state 's Department of Motor Vehicles .

  9. LNG是机动车辆气代油的最佳选择

    LNG : The Best Selection for Motor Vehicles with Replacement of Oil by Gas

  10. 差速齿轮(不包括非发动机内部零件的机动车辆和航空器零件)X被A中某个非零元零化。

    Gear , differential ( excl. motor vehicles and aircraft parts , not internal parts of engines ) X is killed by some non-zero element of A.

  11. 机动车辆EMC的测量

    EMC Measurement of Automobile

  12. 奖惩系统(Bonus-malussystem)是世界各国机动车辆险中广泛采用的一种经验费率厘定机制。

    Bonus-Malus System ( BMS ) is an experience rating method , which is widely accepted in the automobile insurance markets all over the world .

  13. 百度自动驾驶事业部总经理王劲表示,美国加州机动车辆管理局(DepartmentofMotorVehicles)已向百度美国(BaiduUSA)发放自动驾驶汽车上路测试牌照。

    Wang Jing , general manager of Baidu 's Autonomous Driving Unit , said the California Department of Motor Vehicles had issued Baidu USA an autonomous vehicle testing permit .

  14. 对机动车辆保险BMS的研究

    Research on the BMS of Automobile Insurance

  15. 欧盟委员会(europeancommission)昨日发布的产品安全年度报告称,尽管许多召回产品为机动车辆、电子产品和化妆品,但逾三分之一召回产品是玩具或儿童用品。

    More than one in three of products were toys or child care items , although motor vehicles , electrical goods and cosmetics also featured prominently , according to the annual product safety report published yesterday by the European Commission .

  16. 它会要求DMV(机动车辆管理部)询问你是否愿意成为器官捐献者。

    It will simply require the DMV to ask you if you 'd like to become an organ donor .

  17. [结论]公路旁土壤中重金属以Cd、Pb污染为主,属于中等生态危害,污染物主要来源于机动车辆燃料和轮胎中所含微量重金属成分。

    [ Conclusion ] The roadside soil was mainly contaminated by Cd and Pb . The medium ecological hazards are caused by the metal contamination . The main contamination sources are trace heavy metals from fume and tires of running vehicles .

  18. 权威的陆地运输局(LTA)需要所有的灯的设计符合车辆道路交通(机动车辆、照明)规则。

    The Land Transport Authority ( LTA ) requires all designs of vehicle lights to comply with the Road Traffic ( Motor Vehicles , Lighting ) Rules .

  19. 将机动车辆中常见的无赔款优待NCD(No-ClaimDiscount)计费方法和信度理论应用到团险定价中,拓展了团险定价方法。

    The No-Claim Discount model and credibility theory are taken into the pricing of group life insurance with its application . These introductions developed the pricing method of group life insurance .

  20. 在我国机动车辆保险市场上,NCD制度还存在许多不足,因此本文的研究在国内具有一定的现实意义,在国际上具有一定的理论意义。

    There are still many shortcomings about NCD system in Chinese automobile insurance market . Therefore , this research also has certain theoretical significance internationally besides the practical significance domestically it has .

  21. 第三章针对BMS的两个基本工具&索赔次数和索赔大小的数据的拟合。详细介绍了机动车辆保险中普遍使用的的索赔分布。

    In chapter III , we focus on two basic tools ( claim frequency and claim size data fitting ), introduce insurance of motor vehicles used in the distribution of various types of claims in detail .

  22. 目前,至少5家中国或中资入股的公司(包括百度)获得了加州机动车辆管理局(DMV)颁发的在硅谷进行无人驾驶汽车路测的牌照,作为一个试验项目的一部分。

    Currently at least five Chinese or Chinese-invested companies , including Baidu , have licences to test driverless cars on public roads in Silicon Valley , given out by the California Department of Motor Vehicles as part of an experimental programme .

  23. 本文运用医学地理学、医学气象学及医学磁学等新兴交叉学科的基本原理,分析武汉市36a来机动车辆交通事故与太阳黑子相对数的相关关系。

    Using medical geography , meteorology and magnetism , the paper analyzed the relationship between the relative number of sunspot and traffic accident of power driven vehicle over last 36 years .

  24. 车载终端(Telematics)是智能交通系统(ITS)构建车联网的智能节点,通过对车辆运行状态信息实时高效采集、处理以及显示,以缓解目前机动车辆增加造成的道路拥堵、环境污染等问题。

    Vehicle terminal is intelligent node of internet of things in Intelligent Transportation Systems . By collecting , processing and displaying vehicle running status information in real-time , telematics can ease the current condition that the majority of motor vehicle lead to road congestion , environmental pollution and other issues .

  25. 机动车辆新型报警器智能控制的研究

    Study on Intelligent Control of the New-type Alarm of Motor Vehicle

  26. 中国机动车辆保险承保周期研究

    The Research on Underwriting Cycle of Motor Vehicle Insurance in China

  27. 单片机控制机动车辆方向自动显示仪

    The Automatic Indicator with Single Chip Controlling Direction of Motor Vehicles

  28. (八)驾驶机件不合安全要求的机动车辆的;

    Driving motor vehicles with parts not up to safety requirements ;

  29. 后桥半轴(不包括发动机的内部零件),机动车辆用

    Half-shaft ( excl. internal parts of engines ) for motor vehicles

  30. 由缓冲器举起机动车辆的起重器。

    A jack for lifting a motor vehicle by the bumper .