
  • 网络robotic surgery;Da Vinci Robotic Surgery
  1. 这就叫做NOTES,这就是基本无疤手术,通过机器人手术来实现。

    And this is called NOTES , and this is coming basically scarless surgery , as mediated by robotic surgery .

  2. 《医疗品质学刊》(JournalforHealthcareQuality)去年发布报告称,有41%的医院网站都在宣传机器人手术;其中又有31%在网站首页上就有相关内容。

    Last year the journal for healthcare quality reported that 41 % of hospital websites advertised robotic surgery ; of these , 37 % did so on their homepage .

  3. 他在选择医生时,选择了一名据说是最善于操作达芬奇外科手术系统(DaVinciSurgicalSystem,一种机器人手术系统)的外科医生。

    When it came to choosing a doctor , he selected a surgeon who was arguably the best in the world at operating with the da Vinci Surgical System , a robotic surgical system .

  4. 本文主要工作和成果可以概括为以下几个方面:针对ENT医疗机器人手术前,末端工具定位的要求和控制系统硬件环境,确定了机器视觉系统模式。

    The following work has been completed : Aimed at the requirement of the end tools and the hardware circumstance of the control system , the running model of the robot is settled .

  5. 机器人手术网络遥控系统中的语音识别

    Speech recognition of a remote control robot surgery through network

  6. 首先提出机器人手术作业方案及流程要求;

    Firstly , operation scheme for the robot and its requirements are given .

  7. 机器人手术与腹腔镜手术治疗结直肠疾病

    Robotic and laparoscopic surgery for treatment of colorectal diseases

  8. 机器人手术系统对对右半肝切除手术而言是安全和有效的。

    Hypothesis Robotic surgery for performance of right hepatectomy is safe and effective .

  9. 一种用于高强度聚焦超声手术的八自由度机器人手术平台

    A HIFU Surgery Using 8-DOF Robotic Surgery Platform

  10. 机器人手术系统为微创肝切除提供新的技术选择。

    Robotic surgery offers a new technical option for minimally invasive major hepatic resections .

  11. 在未来数年,使用机器人手术的影响会更清楚。

    The impact of Robotic Surgery will be clearer in the next few years .

  12. 腹腔微创手术机器人手术器械设计和操作仿真研究

    Research on Design and Operation Simulation of Surgical Instrument for Celiac Minimally Invasive Surgical Robot

  13. 随着机器人手术的增多,这一手套在医疗行业的潜在用途也极具前景。

    Potential uses in the medical industry are promising with the increase of robotic surgery too .

  14. 本文初步探讨机器人手术在普外科的应用和研究进展。

    The history , development , and current applications of robotics in general surgery are reviewed as below .

  15. 实验表明,机器人手术系统满足手术要求,可以准确完成手术动作。

    The experimental results show that the developed robot assisted intramedullary interlocking nail system can fulfill the surgery task of fracture surgery accurately .

  16. 妇科微创手术的过去,现在和未来,及达芬奇机器人手术在妇科微创的应用。

    The Past , Then and Future of Minimally Invasive Gynecologic Surgery , and the Application of DaVinci Robotic Surgery in Gynecologic Surgery .

  17. 机器人手术系统要求高位置精度,本文针对手术机器人执行器的位置控制进行研究。

    The robot surgery system requires high accuracy of position , so the research on machine position control is carried out in paper .

  18. 零死亡率及可接受的并发症等结果表明,对于经验丰富的术者而言,用机器人手术系统行右半肝切除术时安全和可行的。

    Conclusions The zero mortality and acceptable morbidity of our series indicate that in experienced hands , robotic right hepatectomy is feasible and safe .

  19. 这能带来相当可观的利润,部分原因是其在机器人手术领域拥有近乎垄断的地位。该公司拥有20亿美元的净现金。

    It is very profitable , due in part to a near monopoly in robotic surgery , and has $ 2bn in net cash .

  20. 在妇科恶性肿瘤诊疗领域,机器人手术被用于宫颈癌根治术、子宫内膜癌和卵巢癌的分期手术以及盆腔廓清术等。

    In the field of gynecologic oncology , robotic surgery has been used in radical hysterectomy for cervical cancer and staging surgery for endometrial and ovarian cancers and pelvic exenteration surgery .

  21. 机器人辅助手术(RAS,RobotAssistedSurgery)系统在现代临床医疗中已经被越来越多地采用。

    Robot assisted surgery ( RAS ) is increasingly adopted in modern clinic operation .

  22. 美国癌症协会(AmericanCancerSociety)开展的一项研究发现,根治性前列腺切除手术的完成次数在过去10年里出现了“显著增长”,还有患者专程从外地远途赶来找机器人做手术。

    A study conducted by the American Cancer Society found that the number of radical prostatectomies has " risen substantially " in the past decade , and patients travel great distances to be operated on with a robot .

  23. 基于软件平台JAVA3D和VTK开发出了正骨机器人虚拟手术仿真系统。

    Based on the software platform & JAVA3D , the virtual surgery simulation system of Robot-Assisted Orthopedic Surgery System was developed .

  24. 在详细分析手术进刀路径的确定方法后,给出了基于DICOM医疗图像的脑外科机器人系统手术规划的具体实现过程。

    After the method of determining the bistoury route is anatomized , based on medical images in DICOM format , the practical implementation process of operation planning of the brain surgical robot system is illustrated .

  25. 并通过在自己研制的WATO机器人辅助手术系统上的模拟误差分析实验证明了所分析关键技术具有较高的精确度,符合手术的基本要求。

    The experiments of error analysis in our WATO system demonstrate that the position and related calibration technologies have a high precision and can satisfy surgical requirement .

  26. 布莱特锡得小组已经研发出一种叫做“安全剪”(SafeSnips)的技术,当外科医生进行机器人辅助手术时,这种技术会在他们有可能剪断血管时发出警报,从而降低病人意外流血失控的风险。

    Briteseed has developed a technology called safesnips , which will alert surgeons performing robotic procedures when they are about to cut a blood vessel at risk of uncontrolled bleeding .

  27. 机器人辅助手术系统在微创内镜手术中的应用

    Application of robot assisted surgery system in the minimally invasive endoscopic surgery

  28. 光学定位机器人微创手术系统视觉伺服控制

    Visual servoing control for robot-assisted micro-invasive surgery systems based on optical positioning

  29. 机器人神经外科手术导航与视觉定位的研究

    Research on Robot Navigation and Marker Visual Location in Neurosurgery Robot System

  30. 神经外科机器人辅助手术系统

    Robot Assistant Neurosurgery System and Its Key Technique