
  • 网络Airport Area
  1. 随着城市建设的不断发展,各种隧道的广泛应用,将有越来越多的新建隧道需要穿越机场区域。

    With the development of city construction and the extensive application of tunnel , an increasing number of tunnels will be built under airport area .

  2. 本文的计算数据和相关结论将为今后机场区域盾构隧道工程的设计和施工提供参考。

    The data of the analysis and related conclusions in this paper can be a reference for design and construction of shield tunneling project under airport area .

  3. 基于SOFM的遥感图像的机场区域变化检测

    SOFM-based Change Detection of Airdrome Area in Remote Sensing Image

  4. 分别采用Navier_Stokes方程和镜像对称的方法,对机场区域附近发生低空风切变时所形成的三维流场进行了数值模拟;

    With the methods of Navier-Stokes equation and the symmetrical mirror image , the numerical simulation is carried out about the three-dimensional fluent field produced by the low-level wind shear nearby airports ;

  5. 单机场区域旅客流失的模型及变量研究

    Research on the Model and Variables of Airport Leakage in Single-Airport

  6. 浦东国际机场区域供冷系统水蓄冷模式研究

    Study on Thermal Storage Charging Mode in Pudong International Airport

  7. 然而,机场区域周围复杂的背景给检测问题带来了困难。

    Unfortunately , the complicated background around airports brings much difficulty into the detection .

  8. 机场区域变化检测研究

    Study on Airport Change Detection

  9. 区域供冷系统经济运行研究及实践&浦东国际机场区域供冷系统经济运行研究总结

    Application Study on Economic Operation of District Cooling System & Summary of Research on DHC Economic Operation in Pudong International Airport

  10. 然后,利用跑道边缘的平行直线特征和跑道边缘与可能机场区域的重叠关系识别出军用机场。

    Then , the recognition is achieved based on geometry characteristics of the airport , such as the paralleled edges of runway , the superposing location between the edges of runway and the airport region .

  11. 由于着陆引导过程中光电成像系统需要对准机场区域,文中设计了一种利用飞机姿态变化和机场区域中心偏离成像中心位置而进行光轴方向调整的算法,使成像系统光轴跟踪机场区域。

    In the procedure of landing guidance , the camera must stare at the airport , so a rotation algorithm for electro-optical cameras using aircraft attitude and token deviation from the center of imaging plane is investigated .

  12. 基于Markov随机场的区域跟踪算法

    Region tracking algorithm based on hidden Markov random field

  13. 机场飞行区域安全系统(AMASS)2000年测试报告/技术报告

    Year 2000 Test Report for the Airport Movement Area Safety System ( AMASS ); Technical note

  14. 中枢机场在区域经济发展中的作用

    The function of hub airport on the region economic development

  15. 这两巴士明显高过机场降落区域的立交桥。

    The bus was apparently too tall for the overpass , which was near the entrance to the airport arrivals area .

  16. 其主要优点之它能被安装在机场客运区域,里旅客得花等待延误的航班或转机。

    One of its main advantages is its ability to be installed in the airport passenger areas where travellers have to spend hours waiting for their delayed flights or a transfer .

  17. 机场控高区域超高建筑物测量设想与实践

    Imagination and Practice on the Extra Tall Building Surveying in Airfield Height Control Region

  18. 有特定的热点地区,尤其是班吉机场外的区域。

    There are particular hot spots , especially the area just outside the airport at Bangui .

  19. 这样设计是为了节省旅客从机场一个区域到另一个区域的时间。

    It was designed this way to save time for travellers who need to get from one area of the airport to another .

  20. 为了在空旷的野外和机场等开阔区域内更早的发现人体目标,需要及早判断是否存在人体目标。

    For detecting moving human target in the open country or an airport and so on , we need full out judge it human beings or not .

  21. 除了特别吨位让与税外,这些收入的使用都十分广泛但很有计划,比如用于公路和机场及其附属区域的建设。

    With the exception of the special tonnage transfer tax , the uses of such revenues are comprehensive but predetermined , such as for roads and airports and their surrounding areas .

  22. 客流、物流、资金流以及信息流在各地区之间高速化、大量化地流动,使机场成为发展区域经济的关键驱动力。

    The flows of passengers , logistics , funds and information , which flow at a high speed among every area in a large amount , have made the airport become the crucial force to drive the further development of regional economy .

  23. 当天宣布的合作的具体内容包括:阿里巴巴旗下物流平台菜鸟和电商网站拉扎达将率领其他子公司和分支机构,在吉隆坡国际机场附近建设区域电商物流枢纽。

    Among the details in the agreement announced on Wednesday , Alibaba 's logistic platform Cainiao and its e-commerce website Lazada will lead other Alibaba subsidiaries and affiliates in the development of a regional e-commerce and logistics hub near the Kuala Lumpur International Airport .

  24. 基于Markov随机场的彩色图像区域分析方法

    A Method of Color Image Segmentation Based on Markov Random Field

  25. 在11月举行第三届中国国际进口博览会之前,上海两个国际机场的主要公共区域将实现5G网络全覆盖。

    The major public areas of two international airports in Shanghai will get full 5G network coverage before the third China International Import Expo kicks off in November .

  26. 坚定不移地把沈阳机场建设成为东北区域枢纽航空港

    Unswervingly Build Shenyang Airport into a Regional Hub in Northeast China

  27. 目击者称看见滚滚浓烟弥漫在机场,达航班区域的进口已关闭。

    Eyewitnesses said there is a heavy smoke at the Moscow airport and the entry from the arrivals zone has been closed .

  28. 联合国将泰国一个机场的一个区域清理出来用于将救援物资运输给缅甸遭受飓风的灾民。

    The United Nations has cleared an area at an airport in the capital of Thailand for transporting aid to cyclone survivors in Burma .

  29. 库克莉娜表示文书工作还没有准备好,而且斯诺登将仍然在机场中转的无人区域等候。

    Kucherena said the paperwork is not yet ready and that Snowden will remain in the no-man 's-land of the airport transit area for the time-being .

  30. 随着国内航空业的迅速发展,机场对于我国区域经济和产业结构起到了愈加显著的促进作用。

    With the rapid development of the aviation industry , airport plays a more significant role in promoting the regional economy and the regional industrial structure .