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  • mechanized infantry
  1. 陆军机械化步兵师信息化建设重点的研究

    INFORMATION CONSTRUCTION SYSTEM OF THE CIVIL ENGINEERING Research on Emphasis of Information Technology in the Mechanized Infantry Division

  2. 从机械化步兵到护士,巴基斯坦武装部队的成员们游行经过穆沙拉夫总统和其他巴基斯坦政要。同时,喷气式战斗机在空中呼啸而过,这是巴基斯坦庆祝“巴基斯坦日”的场面。

    Members of the armed forces - from the mechanized infantry to nurses - paraded past President Pervez Musharraf and other dignitaries , while fighter jets screeched by overhead , as the country celebrated Pakistan Day .

  3. PTL02轮式坦克歼击车装备使用一门105毫米线膛炮被中国北方工业总公司(NORINCO)发展用于新的轻型(快速反应)机械化步兵师。

    The PTL02 wheeled assault tank destroyer armed with a105mm rifled gun was developed by NORINCO for the PLA new light ( rapid reaction ) mechanised infantry divisions .

  4. 通过对石家庄机械化步兵学院人工湿地污水处理系统、工艺特点和运行结果进行分析,得出人工湿地系统运行水质变化、植物特性和湿地结构的一些规律及存在的问题。

    According to analysis of sewage treatment system , technical characteristics and running result of the constructed wetland in Mechanized Infantry ′ s Institute , we have found some rules and existing problems about running water quality changing , plant characteristics and wetland configuration in the constructed wetland system .

  5. 同时独立的机械化师和步兵师属坦克营也开始组建。

    Separate mechanized divisions and tank battalions for infantry divisions were also formed .