
jī xiè shì
  • mechanical
机械式[jī xiè shì]
  1. 详细介绍了PowerV垂直钻井系统和机械式无线随钻测斜仪的组成、工作原理及其在黑池1井的应用情况。

    Components and mechanism of Power V ( a vertical drilling system ) and mechanical MWD are presented in detail .

  2. 分析了GD包装机滤嘴检测器的工作原理及原机械式检测器存在的缺陷。

    The principle of the operation of filter detector in GD packing machine and the shortcomings of the existing mechanical detector were analyzed .

  3. 大众汽车公司的机械式G型增压器

    Volkswagen 's G Type Mechanical Supercharger

  4. 机械式立体停车设备是以PLC为控制核心,集机、光、电于一体的停车设备。

    Mechanical three-dimensional parking equipment is a machine which takes PLC as the controling core , including machine , optics and electricity .

  5. 石油钻井用机械式PDC随钻扩眼工具的研制

    Development of the mechanical PDC reaming tool while drilling used in oil drilling engineering

  6. 本文首先介绍了电控机械式自动变速器(AMT)的发展概况、控制原理、控制装置组成、液压执行机构;

    The paper firstly introduces AMT development summarization , control principle , control equipment composing , and hydraulic execution organization ;

  7. 详细论述了一个用于机械式自动变速器(AMT)控制系统的解析冗余故障诊断方法。

    The paper stated in detail an analytical redundancy fault diagnosis method of automated mechanical transmission ( AMT ) control system .

  8. WD机械式外割刀有来从外向内切割各种套管或油管。

    WD Mechanic External Cutter can be usd to cut casings and tubings from outside to inside .

  9. 机械式MABS工作机理的研究

    Research on Working Mechanism of MABS

  10. 本文针对龙门刨床机械式进刀量控制机构的结构特点,采用PLC为主控制器,以变频器作为控制电源,结合变速箱传动机构,研制了一种龙门刨床刀架自动进给控制系统。

    With the double housing planer mechanical feed control characteristics , this paper developed one kind of automatic feed control system of double housing planer combined with PLC controller and converter control power supply and gear-box drive .

  11. 随着MEMS技术的发展和广泛应用,MEMS引信安全保险装置的发展非常迅速,在一些引信类型中必然将取代传统的机械式安全保险机构。

    With the development and wide application of MEMS technology , MEMS fuze safety device is developing very quickly . It tends to replace the traditional mechanical fuze safety device in large field .

  12. 在结构上EPS是由电机所提供的转向力矩的,首先通过万向节传递到机械式方向机,再由传动机构传递到左右车轮,从而带动汽车转向。

    The turning torque provided by motor can transfer to mechanical steering machine through gimbal , and then transfer to left and right cartwheels . So that drives auto turning .

  13. 尽管目前有些企业开始采用SSD硬盘,但传统的机械式硬盘由于容量高价格低,因此仍然占据着企业级市场的主流地位。

    Despite the growing adoption of Solid State Drives , traditional hard drives are still used as the primary means of storage due to their high capacities and low costs .

  14. 本实验通过精密机械式三维位移测量方法,采用10条新鲜离体人膝关节标本定标加载,分析研究了屈膝过程中的髌股关切运动学及Q角变化对髌股关节运动的影响。

    In this study , 10 knee joints from fresh human cadaver were tested with the method of 3-D precise mechanical measurement to investigate the kinematics of patellofemoral joint and the effect of Q-angle variation on patellofemoral motions during knee flexion .

  15. 电控机械式自动变速器主要有电子式和电液式两种,电子式的AMT可控性好,但其价格昂贵;

    Now , the automated manual transmission has two main types & electronic AMT and electronic-hydraulic AMT . The electronic AMT is easy to control , but its price is very high ;

  16. NANDFlash由于其先擦后写以及擦除次数受限等特性使得应用于传统机械式磁表面存储器的文件系统和应用程序不能直接应用于NANDFlash存储器中。

    For the features of erasing before writing and a limited number of erasion , the file system and applications that are used in the traditional mechanical memory cannot be directly applied into NAND FLASH memory .

  17. 介绍在机械式自动变速器AMT汽车中换档手柄控制器ECU的软硬件设计,阐述手柄控制器ECU和AMTECU之间的CAN通讯原理和应用层协议(ApplicationProtocol)。

    The software and hardware design of the shifting handle ECU on AMT automobiles is introduced as well as the CAN communication principle and application protocol between the shifting handle ECU and the AMT ECU .

  18. 混合式断路器(HCB)结合了机械式断路器和固态断路器的优点,是国际上断路器研究的新方向。

    Hybrid circuit breaker ( HCB ) combines the advantages of mechanical CB and solid state CB . It is a novel direction of circuit breaker reserch .

  19. 介绍了以MCS-51单片机作为处理器的机械式立体车库的特点、工作原理,并给出三车位的控制系统硬件电路图和软件流程框图。

    This paper introduces the characteristic of mechanical stereo garage controlled by the MCS-51 serial single-chip , and summarizes the work principle of this system . The scheme of hardware and the diagram of the software of control system for three units are given .

  20. 在分析手动机械式变速器给公共汽车带来的不良影响的基础上,介绍了机械自动变速器(AMT)的原理、特点及关键技术,并展望其在公共汽车上的应用前景。

    Based on some bad influences that the conventional mechanical transmission brings to the bus , the article introduces the principle , the characteristic and the pivotal technique of the automated mechanical transmission ( AMT ) , and views its application prospect on city bus .

  21. 以汽车机械式自动变速系统(AMT)的离合器结合过程为研究对象,建立起双输入非线性动力传动系统数学模型。

    An investigation was made to the clutch engagement of automatic mechanical transmission ( AMT ) systems for automobiles during start - up , and further for the control purpose a nonlinear dynamic model with double inputs was proposed according to the characteristics of the clutch engagement .

  22. 制订JB/T8713&1998《机械式停车设备类别、型式与基本参数》的原则是按其主要运动方式,使其有较大的包容性且简单好记,而不是简单地引用现有机械设备名称。

    The principles for establishing the standard of JB / T 8713 & 1998 《 Mechanical Parking Systems Classification , models and basic parameters 》 include classification by major motion mode , good compatibility , easy to remember and right quotation of existing nomenclature .

  23. 基于CAN总线的机械式自动变速器综合控制研究

    Synthetic Control of Automated Mechanical Transmission Based on Controller Area Network

  24. 液力驱动的机械式离合器液压机械无级变速传动在拖拉机上的应用分析

    Analysis on the Application of Hydro-mechanical Continuously Variable Transmissions in Tractors

  25. 非机械式气力播煤装置在循环流化床锅炉中的应用

    The Usage of Non-mechanical Pneumatic Coal Feeder on the CFB Boiler

  26. 过去一直采用的是手动机械式换档或气动机械式换档。

    And the mechanical or pneumatic mechanical gear changing was adopted .

  27. 扩大试验机吨位的机械式增力装置研究

    A study on tonnage capability enlargement design for material testing machine

  28. 事实上,机械式组织在稳定的环境中最有效。

    Essentially , mechanistic organizations are most effective for stable environments .

  29. 里程表为机械式,由一个步进马达带动。

    The odometer is mechanical , driven by a stepper motor .

  30. 方波极谱的研究&Ⅰ.机械式方波极谱仪

    Study on square-wave polarography ⅰ . a mechanical square-wave polarograph