
  • 网络Killer Bee;The Swarm
  1. Zn中的D.F集杀人蜂无人机

    On Double-free Sets of Zn Killer Bees

  2. 这样的悲剧为这些生物赢得了“杀人蜂”的绰号。

    Tragedies like this have earned these creatures the nickname ---- Killer Bees .

  3. 第二种方法是,在他们的公寓里放满杀人蜂。

    Second place , filling their apartment with murder hornets .

  4. 这些杀人蜂不喜欢惊喜。

    And these guys don 't like surprises .

  5. 还有杀人蜂,它们是1950年被带入到巴西。

    And also killer bees , they were introduced in Brazil in the 1950s .

  6. 正是这些参与战斗的杀人蜂的数量让它们的攻击变得如此危险。

    It 's just the number of Killer Bees who join the fight that makes their attacks so dangerous .

  7. 当他用手电筒扫视洞穴内部时,他惊吓到,发现了一大群杀人蜂。

    As he sweeps his flashlight around the interior of the cave , he startles a huge hive of Killer Bees .

  8. 多年来的森林砍伐和猖獗的野生动物走私已经逼使这种中型金刚鹦鹉走投无路,更要与新引进的非洲化蜜蜂(杀人蜂)争夺筑巢之所。

    Decades of deforestation and rampant wildlife trafficking have besieged the medium-size macaws , who also ended up having to compete for nest space with introduced Africanized honeybees .

  9. 另一方面,普林斯顿离那些非洲杀人蜂更近。这些毒蜂从巴西一直顽固地向北面逼近,使得我决定去年冬天不到中美洲访问。

    On the other hand , Princeton was closer to those African killer bees that have been inexorably moving north form Brazil the ones that made me decide not to visit Central America last winter .

  10. 尽管有可怕的名声,杀人蜂只是一只蜜蜂,勤劳的蜜蜂生产世界上最甜的花蜜,但是一只蜜蜂会比它温顺的表弟更频繁地蛰它的猎物多十倍,它将保卫一个几乎是它三倍大的区域。

    Despite its fearsome reputation , the killer bee is just a honeybee , a hard-working honeybee that produces some of the sweetest nectarin the world , but a honeybee that will sting its victim 10 times more frequently than its more docile cousin , and it will defend an area nearly 3 times as large .