
  1. Rice杂波下的杂波图恒虚警处理器

    The Clutter Map Processor Working Under Rice Clutter

  2. 冲击杂波下的MIMO雷达DOA估计方法

    DOA Estimation in Impulsive Clutter for MIMO Radars

  3. 非高斯相关杂波下最佳、预测误差和平滑误差MTI的性能比较

    Performance Comparision of OPT , PEF and SEF MTI in Non-Gaussian Correlated Clutter

  4. 复合高斯杂波下扩展目标多普勒频率的MLE及性能分析

    MLE of Doppler Frequency of Distributed Target and Performance Analysis in Compound-Gaussian Clutter

  5. 强背景杂波下的地面运动目标干涉式三维成像

    Three-Dimensional Interferometric Imaging of a Moving Ground Target in Strong Background Clutters

  6. 杂波下机载雷达探测距离评估技术研究

    Research on Performance Evaluation of Airborne Radar Detection in Clutter

  7. 强杂波下含旋转部件的目标成像及微多普勒提取

    Imaging and micro-Doppler extraction of targets with rotating parts in strong ground clutter

  8. 非高斯杂波下雷达目标的检测

    Detection of Radar Targets in Non - Gaussian Clutter

  9. 机载雷达频综器的相位噪声及其对杂波下能见度的限制

    The Phase Noise Of Frequency Synthesizer For Radar And Visibility 's Limitation In The Background Of Clutter

  10. 低信噪比、低信杂比下的航迹起始是多目标航迹起始的关键问题。

    Multi-target track initiation in low SNR and low SCR is the basic problem in target tracking .

  11. 应用该数据采集方案已成功检测到空中飞行目标。对低信杂比下雷达回波信号检测有一定的参考价值。

    A flying target is detected with the proposed scheme and it is helpful for detecting a weak radar echo signal .

  12. 本课题重点研究了雨杂波下如何提高单脉冲雷达测角精度的方法,分析并给出了改善的方案。

    This project discusses how to improve the angle measuring precision of monopulse radar under rain clutter , and provides some improving methods .

  13. 仿真结果表明,该雷达信号处理模块可以在很低的信杂比下达到较高的检测概率。

    The result of the simulation shows that , given the probability , the RSPM can attain very high detection probability with low SCR .

  14. 本文对参量型的恒虚警率方法进行介绍,分别在瑞利分布、韦布尔分布、对数正态分布的海杂波下实现恒虚警率检测。

    This thesis introduces parameter CFAR method , and implements radar CFAR detection under Rayleigh distribution , Weibull distribution , Log-normal distribution sea clutter .

  15. 第一章对强杂波下机动目标跟踪技术进行了全面综述,在分析、比较现有国内外常用方法的基础上,确定了本文的研究内容及重点解决的问题。

    The technology of tracking target in strong clutter was reviewed in chapter one . The research contents and the resolving problems were stated after that .

  16. 因而远距离、低信噪比、强杂波下的弱小目标检测和跟踪问题成为当前一个既热门又困难的课题。

    Hence the small target recognition and tracking of long-range , low SNR ( signal to noise ratio ), strong clutter wave become a popular and difficult subject .

  17. 用MUSIC算法解决海杂波背景下相干源探测问题

    The Application of MUSIC Method to Detect the Coherent Sources on the Background of Ocean Clutter

  18. 复杂杂波背景下海洋SAR图像中舰船目标的检测

    Ship detection in ocean SAR images with complex clutter background

  19. 地杂波背景下运动点目标的SAR成像算法

    The SAR imaging algorithm of moving spot targets in the background of ground clutters

  20. 海杂波背景下基于RBF神经网络的目标检测

    Target Detection in Sea Clutter Based on RBF Neural Network

  21. 基于EM算法的杂波环境下机动目标跟踪研究

    Study of tracking maneuvering targets in clutter based on the EM algorithm

  22. 联合概率数据关联(JointProbabilisticDataAssociation,JPDA)是密集杂波环境下跟踪多目标最有效的算法之一。

    Joint probabilistic data association is one of the most effective algorithms of multiple target tracking in dense clutter .

  23. 密集杂波环境下用于多目标跟踪的改进PDA算法

    An Improved PDA Algorithm for Multi-target Tracking In Dense Clutter

  24. 强地杂波背景下Chirp步进信号的运动补偿

    A Velocity Compensation for Chirp-subpulse Stepped Frequency Signal in Strong Ground Clutter

  25. 杂波环境下基于Hough变换和逻辑的快速航迹起始算法

    Fast Track Initiation Algorithm in Clutter Environments Based on Hough Transform and Logic

  26. 密集杂波环境下基于两点量测和Viterbi的PDA算法研究

    Research to PDA Algorithm Based on Two Measurements and Viterbi in High-density Clutter

  27. Pearson分布杂波背景下均值类恒虚警检测器的性能分析

    Performance Analysis of Mean Level CFAR Detector in Pearson Distribution Clutter

  28. MonteCarlo仿真表明,在密集杂波条件下,高检测概率会带来高的虚警概率;

    Monte Carlo simulation shows that higher detection probability goes with higher false alarm probability in the background of heavy clutters ;

  29. 地面雷达中的脉冲多普勒(PD)技术主要用于在强杂波背景下对动目标的检测。

    The pulse Doppler ( PD ) radar technique in ground-based radar is mainly applied to detecting motive targets in strong clutter jamming circumstance .

  30. 相关杂波背景下反辐射导弹的Rao检测方法

    Rao detection of ARM under the background of correlated clutter