
zá huà
  • hybridization
杂化[zá huà]
  1. 第二章研究了半导体成键与s、p轨道杂化。

    In chapter 2 , we mainly review the bonding and hybridization between s and p orbitals of semiconductor .

  2. Ti和O的杂化主要是由O2p态和Ti3d态所提供。

    Hybridization of Ti and O is mainly from the O 2p states and Ti 3d states .

  3. 我不想使这项任务不必要地复杂化。

    I do not wish to complicate the task more than is necessary .

  4. 其他办法只会使情况复杂化,而且可能给他带来更大花销。

    The other options simply complicate the situation and could land him with more expense .

  5. 脉冲激光轰击连续制备C(60)原位修饰金属纳米团簇杂化材料

    Hybrid Materials of C_ ( 60 ) in Situ Decorating Metal Nanoclusters Prepared Successively by Pulsed Laser Ablation

  6. UV固化中杂化光引发剂及可高分子化的光敏助剂的合成研究

    The Synthesis of Hybrid Photoinitiators and Polymeric Photosensitive Assistants in UV Curing

  7. 结果表明,杂化材料明显地提高了PVC的强度和韧性。

    The results show that compound materials be strengthened and toughened by hybrids .

  8. 纳米CeO2/聚苯乙烯杂化材料的制备及表征

    Preparation and Characterization of Nanometer-sized CeO_2 / Polystyrene Hybrid Material

  9. ML(11)型配合物中央体的σ杂化研究

    A discussion of the σ hybrid of ml_ ( 11 ) type complex central atoms

  10. C(4v)ML5分子片的杂化轨道和轨道相互作用

    Hybrid Orbitals and Orbitals Interactions of C_ ( 4V ) ML_5 Fragments

  11. 有机/无机杂化钙钛矿(C(14)H(13)N2O2)2PbCl4的制备与表征

    Preparation and Characterization of a Novel Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Perovskite ( C_ ( 14 ) H_ ( 13 ) N_2O_2 ) _2PbCl_4

  12. 氧化热处理对聚苯胺/V2O5杂化材料结构和性能的影响

    Effect of Thermal Treatment under Oxygen on Structure and Properties of PAn / V_2O_5 Hybrid

  13. Pu(u)A/SiO2杂化水分散液及成膜性能研究

    The study of Pu ( u ) A / SiO_2 hybrid water dispersions and films

  14. EDS结果表明:Ce确实是杂化膜的构成元素之一。

    EDS show cerium is an element of the film-foming .

  15. Ag纳米粒子含量越高,杂化纳米水凝胶的温度刺激响应性越弱。

    Their temperature stimulus responsiveness is weakened with increase of the content of the loaded Ag nanoparticles .

  16. 并用红外光谱、X射线衍射、扫描电镜、热重分析等方法研究了杂化材料的结构和性能。

    The structure and properties of the hybrid materials were analyzed by FTIR , XRD , TGA and SEM methods , respectively .

  17. 本文还通过分子动力学模拟考察了第I类杂化膜与第II类杂化膜扩散性质的差别。

    The differences of diffusion properties between class I and class II hybrid membranes were also investigated by molecular dynamics simulation .

  18. TiO2/全氟磺酸树脂纳米杂化薄膜的制备

    Preparation and Properties of TiO_2 / Perfluorosulfonated Resin Nano-hybrid Films

  19. 结果表明,制备的SiO2胶体杂化微球具有良好的单分散性和光滑的表面。

    The results show that the hybrid microspheres have nice monodispersity and smooth surfaces .

  20. SiO2/C杂化气凝胶的合成及结构研究

    Synthesis and Textural Characteristics of SiO_2 / C Hybrid Aerogel

  21. 本文首次合成了三种多酸基有机&无机杂化材料,并通过IR光谱、热重?差热分析和X-射线单晶衍射对所合成的化合物进行了表征。

    Three polyoxometalate-based inorganic-organic hybrids have been synthesized and characterized by IR spectra , TG analyses and X-ray single crystal diffraction .

  22. 纳米铜/聚苯乙烯-丁二烯(SBS)杂化材料研究

    Study on Nano-copper / SBS hybrid-materials

  23. 杂化材料的SEM结果可以看到SiO2颗粒可以较为均匀的分布与PVA基体中。

    The SEM results of hybrid material can see SiO2 particles can more uniform distribution in matrix with PVA .

  24. 对wA族金属卤化物杂化钙钦矿也进行了初步研究。

    Finally , hybrid perovskites based on IV A metal halide were studied .

  25. 通过测定乳液的XRD,发现纳米Mg(OH)2杂化纯丙乳液中杂化聚合物是非晶态的。

    The XRD pattern of hybrid emulsion reveals that hybrid polymer in acrylic / nano-Mg ( OH ) 2 hybrid emulsion is in non-crystalline state .

  26. 非晶态Fe2O3-SiO2杂化材料的研究

    Research on non-crystal Fe_2O_3-SiO_2 hybrid material

  27. 退火对杂化膜驻极体PVDF/SiO2电荷贮存的影响

    The influence of annealing process on the charge storage in hybrid film electret pvdf / sio_2

  28. 研究发现,PMMA/SiO2杂化材料能诱导PP基体中β晶型的生成,并使PP球晶细化。

    The results show that PMMA / SiO 2 hybrid quasi-gel can induce PP to form β crystal and minimize the spherulite size in PP.

  29. POM和有机共轭体系构成的杂化分子亚铃;

    Hybrid molecular dumbbells consisting of bridging POM clusters with an organic π conjugated rod ;

  30. 所以PDMS/SiO2杂化材料已基本达到保护古象牙的目的。

    And PDMS / SiO_2 hybrids worked best in strengthening the anti-aging capacity of ancient ivory .