
zá shí dònɡ wù
  • omnivore;omnivorous animal
  1. 杂食动物既吃植物,也吃动物。

    An omnivore is an animal that eats both plants and animals .

  2. 野猪是杂食动物,在非洲、欧洲和亚洲都有他们的踪影。

    Pigs are omnivorous animals found throughout Africa , Europe and Asia .

  3. 大多种类的食人鱼是杂食动物、食腐动物。

    Most piranha species are omnivores and scavengers .

  4. 鸵鸟是杂食动物,它们主要吃植物,也吃小型的动物。

    Their omnivorous diet allows them to eat plants and smaller animals , but they mostly eat plants .

  5. 臭鼬是一个自然派的饮食者,它们的食物包括有昆虫,水果,坚果,鼠和其他小型哺乳动物杂食动物。

    Skunks are omnivores with a natural diet including insects , fruits , nuts , mice and other small mammals .

  6. 它们是杂食动物,什么都能吃,雪松子、水果、比如苹果什么的。

    They 're omnivores , and can eat anything , cedar tree seeds , fruit , things like that , apples .

  7. 包括人在内的动物是杂食动物,既吃肉类,也吃蔬菜;而其它动物则或是食肉动物,或是食草动物。

    Some animals , including human beings , are omnivorous and eat both meat and vegetables ; others are either carnivorous or herbivorous .

  8. 睡鼠们听觉甚佳,属于杂食动物,常以水果、浆果、花朵、坚果和昆虫为生。

    They have an excellent sense of hearing , are omnivorous and feed on fruits , berries , flowers , nuts and insects .

  9. 人类是杂食动物,总吃蔬菜水果诚然可以填饱肚子,但没有动物肉又何以做到营养全面?

    Human beings are omnivorous animals , but vegetables and fruits do not contain all the nutrition we should take to live a healthy life .

  10. 其他原因还包括,它们能大规模进驻“殖民地”并掌控食物来源,从而让别的物种无食可觅。此外,他们还是杂食动物。

    The other reasons , they can colonize in huge numbers , take over food sources , leaving nothing for other species to eat , and they are omnivores .

  11. 结果表明:48头(只)肉、杂食动物消化道寄生虫感染率高达52%,但除1只雄性猞猁感染强度较大外,绝大多数阳性动物感染强度较小。

    The result indicated that the infection rate of parasite of 48 animals was as high as 52 % , but most animals ' intensity were slight except one male lynx .

  12. 伯德说:“它们是十足的机会主义者。它们是杂食动物,什么都能吃,雪松子、水果、比如苹果什么的。”

    " They 're very opportunistic ," bird said . " they 're omnivores , and can eat anything , cedar tree seeds , fruit , things like that , apples . "

  13. 棕熊是杂食性动物,抓到什么吃什么。

    Brown bears are omnivorous , eating anything that they can get their paws on .

  14. 跟大多数杂食性动物,它们只在储存了足够的能量后才冬眠。

    Like most of the omnivorous animals , they hibernated only after storing enough energy .

  15. 杂食性动物有更复杂的胃肠器官,其后端有可进行发酵的盲肠,消化物的平均滞留时间(meanretentiontimes,MRTs)更长;

    Omnivores have more complex gastrointestinal tracts , with a hindgut caecum in which some microbial fermentation takes place , and they have longer mean retention times ( MRTs ) of digesta .

  16. 它们是身体矮胖、腿短的杂食性动物。

    They are stout-bodied short-legged omnivorous animals .

  17. 眠乃宁是一种在梅花鹿、马鹿和熊等草食、杂食野生动物上使用比较广泛的麻醉药。

    Miannaining is a good anaesthetic for animal such as deer , red deer and bear etc.

  18. 根据食物网中各营养级的相互关系,初步划分为4个营养级,即初级生产者(海洋植物)、草食性动物和杂食性动物、低级肉食性动物和中级肉食性动物、高级肉食性动物。

    Based on the relationship among each nutrient class in food web , they may primarily be divided into four nutrient classes , i.e. , primary producer ( marine plants ), phytophage animals and miscellaneous feeding habit animals , low and middle carnivorous animals , high class carnivorous animals .

  19. 亚洲热带地区夜间缓行杂食灵长类动物;通常无尾。

    Slow-moving omnivorous nocturnal primates of tropical Asia ; usually tailless .

  20. 对于杂食性节肢动物亚群落来说,棉田与棉田边缘野生植被和小麦田的相似性较高,而与苜蓿田间的相似性较低。

    The sub-communities of omnivorous arthropods in cotton field were more similar with those in wheat field and in wild vegetation at the margin of cotton field , than that in alfalfa field . 2 .

  21. 食物种类的出现率以植物和小杂鱼为最高,占68%,其余分别为40%,20%,12%和4%,为杂食性甲壳动物。

    The appearance of hydrophyte and miscellaneous fishes is the highest , accounting for 68 % ; the others account for 40 % , 20 % , 12 % , and 4 % respectively . The crab is an omnivorous animal .