
ɡān xiǎo yè
  • hepatic lobule
  1. 组织学观察:正常组大鼠肝小叶结构清晰,肝窦网状纤维疏松。

    Observation of histology : hepatic lobule architecture in the normal group was clear and hepatic sinusoid argyrophilic fiber in the normal group was porous .

  2. 肝脏的组织结构由肝小叶和门管区构成,肝小叶由中央静脉、肝细胞管和肝窦组成,门管区包括小叶间胆管、小叶间动脉和小叶间静脉,还有淋巴组织分布。

    The tissue structure of the liver mainly included hepatic lobule and portal area . Central vein , hepatocyte tube and hepatic sinusoid were found in hepatic lobule .

  3. Model组正常肝小叶被破坏,肝板排列紊乱,肝细胞中充满脂滴,可见到程度不等、范围不一的肝细胞坏死区。

    In the Model group the liver nodules was destroyed with cells chaos , many fat drops and many necrosis regions in the liver cells .

  4. 肝脏肝小叶细胞分别呈IL-2和IL-12免疫反应强阳性和阳性。

    Liver acinus cells of digestive diverticula presented IL-2 strong positivity and IL-12 positivity .

  5. 增生的IC主要分布于小叶周边,纤维间隔及邻近间隔的肝小叶内;

    The proliferated ICs are mainly distributed in the peripheries of the lobule , fibrous septa and the area adjacent to fibrous septa .

  6. 在窦壁和肝小叶外的所有基板中,各时期均能见到大量的IV型胶原。

    Large amounts of collagen type ⅳ could in all cases be demonstrated in the sinus wall and in all basal laminae outside the lobule .

  7. 病理切片显示双歧杆菌组幼兔肝小叶完整,细胞形态基本正常,个别存在轻度炎症细胞浸润和纤维组织增生。而PN组则出现明显肝细胞变性(主要为脂肪变性)、胆管增生和胆汁淤积。

    Histologically , hepatic lobules were almost normal with occasionally low-grade inflammatory cell infiltration and fibrous tissue proliferation in PN + Bif group ;

  8. 肝脏肝小叶细胞呈IL-2R强阳性或极强阳性;

    Liver acinus cells of digestive diverticula presented IL-2R strong positivity or very strong positivity ;

  9. 血液中HBsAg阳性者伴胆囊炎时,肝小叶结构破坏加重。

    When HBsAg is in the blood of the patients suffered from cholecystitis , the disruption of their structure of hepatic lobules will be more serious .

  10. NAFLD是一种病变主要在肝小叶,以肝细胞脂肪变性和脂肪过多贮积为病理特征但无过量饮酒史的临床综合征。

    NAFLD is a clinical syndrome with lesion of steatosis and fat storage in hepatic lobules but without alcohol abuse .

  11. FLD指病变主体在肝小叶以肝细胞大泡性脂肪变性和脂肪贮积为主的广泛疾病谱。

    FLD refers to the main lesion to liver cells in acini hepatis bullous steatosis and fat storage-based broad-spectrum .

  12. Masson染色示B组肝脏汇管区扩大,多数汇管区可见胶原纤维增生形成纤维隔,肝小叶结构基本完整;

    Masson stain show that relative majority portal tracts are expand and full of collagen fiber in group B , and the fibrous septa encircled the hepatic lobule , but the lobular structure is normal .

  13. 结果表明:相位衬度显微成像可清晰显示肺泡、肾小管、肝小叶等微细的组织结构,其空间分辨率可达20微米,这些在常规X射线CT吸收衬度成像是看不见的。

    Results indicated that the microstructures of lung alveoli , renal tubulous , liver lobules etc , which could not be seen by conventional absorption X ray method but could be revealed clearly by phase contrast imaging method . The spatial resolution reached about 20 μ m.

  14. 原位杂交阳性8例(444%)。TTV阳性表达细胞散在分布于肝小叶内,坏死区及汇管区旁较密集。

    Out of the 18 cases , TTV DNAs was detected in 8 cases ( 44.4 % ), in which the positive cells were scattered in the intralobular areas and more aggregated in the periportal and necrotic areas .

  15. 结果表明,除慢性持续性肝炎组外,各型肝炎组肝小叶内FN含量均有所减少,其程度与肝炎时肝细胞变性、坏死程度相关。

    The results showed that the FN content in liver lobules in almost all types of viral hepatitis decreased , except chronic persistent hepatitis , and it was related to the degree of degeneration and necrosis of the liver cells during hepatitis .

  16. 实验结果:胆总管结扎2w后肝小叶汇管区有明显的间质细胞和胆管增生及肝纤维化,胆总管结扎4w导致肝硬变形成;

    The results have showed that marked proliferation of liver mesenchymal cells and bile duct and liver fibrosis became apparent after 2 weeks of biliary obstruction , 4 weeks of biliary obstruction led to liver cirrhosis ;

  17. 第18天以后,正常的肝小叶结构开始恢复。

    After day18 , the normal liver lobule structures began to recover .

  18. 肝小叶小心性坏死和出血(1周内);

    Centrilobular necrosis and haemorrhage in the liver ( in one week );

  19. 猪肝组织肝小叶平均间距的估计方法

    A Method for Estimation Mean Spacing of Hepatic Lobules in Pig Liver

  20. 肝脏中肝小叶不明显,肝细胞索明显。

    The liver lobule was not clear but its hepatic cell cord was obvious .

  21. 虽然血管结构存在,但无可辨认的正常肝小叶结构。

    There is no discernable normal lobular architecture , though vascular structures are present .

  22. 暗红色淤血区表示肝小叶中心区的红细胞积聚。

    Note the dark red congested regions that represent accumulation of RBC 's in centrilobular regions .

  23. 肝小叶界板完整,小叶内有点状坏死灶。

    Hepatic plate of lobule was integrated and the focal necrosis was seen in the lobules ;

  24. 经光镜和电镜观察发现:鳗鲡肝脏的肝小叶不规则。

    The liver lobule of Eel ( Anguilla japonica Temminck & Schlegel ) is irregular in form .

  25. 肝脏组织学特点为汇管区纤维增生明显,肝小叶结构正常。

    The histologic characteristics include fibrous proliferation of interlobular portal areas , and normal structure of hepatic lobules .

  26. 根据肝小叶内含脂滴细胞数与总细胞数的比值,将肝细胞脂肪变性程度进行分级,采用秩和检验的方法,进行等级资料数据的处理。

    The classification data of cells of fatty drops in liver acinus were analysed with rank sun test .

  27. 与模型组相比,中剂量治疗组大鼠肝小叶结构明显改善。

    The structure of hepatic lobules in the MT group improved obviously compared with those in M group .

  28. 肝脏病理显示:汇管区及肝小叶内可见不同程度的炎细胞浸润,以淋巴细胞为主。

    Inflammatory cells most of which were lymphocytes infiltrated in various degree in header and lobules of liver .

  29. 肝脏结缔组织不发达,肝小叶界限不明显,血窦壁内皮细胞连续有明显的基膜。

    Connective tissues of liver hepar are not developed , so the edge of the hepatic lobule is not distinctive .

  30. 随着肝脏增大,肝小叶的形成,排列成由1~2层甚至单层的肝细胞索。

    As the liver increasing and the liver lobule forming , 1-2 layers of cells arrange in the liver cell cords .