
ɡǎn zhuànɡ bìnɡ dú
  • baculovirus
  1. 口蹄疫病毒3D基因在重组杆状病毒中的表达及检测

    Expression and detection of 3D gene of FMDV in recombinant baculovirus

  2. 猪流感病毒NP基因的克隆及杆状病毒转移载体的构建

    Cloning of NP Gene of Swine Influenza Virus and Construction of Baculovirus Transfer Vector

  3. 棉铃虫组织蛋白酶B在杆状病毒表达系统中的表达及鉴定

    Expression and identification of Helicoverpa armigera cathepsin B in baculovirus system

  4. 杆状病毒DNA解旋酶是病毒复制所必需的。

    DNA helicases are essential for replication of baculoviruses .

  5. 以杆状病毒为载体在昆虫细胞中表达鸡马立克病病毒糖蛋白B抗原基因

    Expression of Mareks Disease Virus GS gene in insect cells using baculovirus as a vector

  6. 中国对虾杆状病毒PCR扩增产物的DNA序列测定及分析

    Sequence analysis of DNA fragment from baculovirus of shrimp , Penaeus chinensis

  7. 对虾一种无包涵体杆状病毒病原的PCR检测

    Detection of a nonoccluded baculovirus in penaeid shrimp by PCR

  8. 检测中国对虾非包涵体型杆状病毒的PCR方法的建立

    Development of polymerase chain reaction assay for detection of Penaeus chinensis non-occluded baculovirus

  9. 杆状病毒后期启动子在大肠杆菌中启动CAT基因表达的研究

    Characteristics of Baculovirus Late Promoters in E. coli

  10. 猪圆环病毒2型重组Cap蛋白在昆虫杆状病毒中的表达

    Expression of porcine circovirus type 2 recombinant capsid protein using insect baculovirus

  11. 多重PCR法检测对虾皮下和造血器官坏死杆状病毒

    Detection of Hypodermal and Hematopoietic Necrosis Baculovirus of Penaeid Shrimp by One-tube Multiplex PCR Method

  12. RNA干扰技术和家蚕杆状病毒表达系统在纤维素酶研究中的应用前景

    Application Prospects of RNA Interference and Silkworm Baculovirus Expression System in Cellulase Research

  13. 人VEGF基因昆虫杆状病毒表达载体的构建

    Construction of Insect Baculovirus Expression Vector of Human VEGF Gene

  14. 结论CAD基因在昆虫杆状病毒载体系统获得了表达,表达产物具有抑菌活性。

    Conclusion Cecropin AD gene was expressed in baculovirus vector expression system and expressed product had antibacterial activity .

  15. 对虾皮下及造血组织坏死杆状病毒单克隆抗体的ELISA快速检测

    ELISA quick testing for monoclonal antibodies of hypodermal and hematopoietic necrosis baculovirus of shrimp

  16. 人尿激酶原cDNA在昆虫杆状病毒真核表达系统中的高效表达

    Expression of The Human Pro-Urokinase cDNA Product in Insect Cells Using Baculovirus System

  17. HCV结构蛋白重组杆状病毒表达载体的构建

    Construction of a Recombinant Baculovirus Expression Vector of HCV Structural Protein

  18. 将对虾白斑杆状病毒的一段特异性DNA设计成分子信标探针,用于该病毒的PCR检测。

    A molecular beacon probe was used in the detection of prawn white spot bacilliform virus ( WSBV ) .

  19. 人VEGF基因杆状病毒表达载体的构建及生物学活性鉴定

    Construction of Baculovirus Expression System of Human VEGF Gene and Assessment of Biological Activity

  20. 呼吸道合胞病毒融合蛋白F在重组杆状病毒表达系统中的表达及抗原性研究

    Expressions of the fusion protein F of respiratory syncytial virus in recombinant baculovirus and its antigenicity analysis

  21. 定量PCR法判定对虾白斑杆状病毒早期的感染和增殖

    An Early Time-course Study on the Infection and Proliferation of Shrimp White Spot Bacilliform Virus with Quantitative PCR

  22. 在此基础上,我们对该方法进行了进一步拓展,发展出直接用PCR产物构建同源重组杆状病毒的方法,使重组病毒的构建更为便捷。

    This method was further improved by constructing linear fragment with PCR products , which simplified the process significantly .

  23. 大肠癌新型CEA疫苗重组杆状病毒的表达与鉴定

    Construction and identification of recombinant baculovirus of the novel CEA vaccine

  24. 采用昆虫细胞杆状病毒表达系统,构建了中国HIV1gag基因的杆状病毒表达质粒,得到了表达HIV1E和B亚型gag的重组杆状病毒。

    Using the Bac to Bac system , we obtained the recombinant baculoviruses containing gag genes .

  25. 目的构建人N端截断型脂多糖结合蛋白(tLBP)基因的杆状病毒表达载体,为后续的蛋白表达及其抗内毒素保护作用研究奠定基础。

    Objective To construct a baculovirus expression vector of human truncated lipopolysaccharide binding protein for further study on protein expression and anti endotoxin protection .

  26. 蚯蚓纤溶酶PI(239)基因在杆状病毒中的表达

    Expression of Lumbrukinase PI_ ( 239 ) Gene in the Insect Cell using Baculovirus Expression Vector System

  27. 本文采用定量PCR技术,研究对虾白斑杆状病毒人工注射感染后,早期的增殖规律以及感染致死对虾的病毒累积。

    Quantitative PCR was applied to study the proliferation at early infection stage and accumulation of WSBV in died infected prawns .

  28. 本文应用ELISA方法检测从厦门口岸进境的斑节对虾携带杆状病毒情况。

    The ELISA was used for the detection of import Penaeus mondon ( P.mondon ) carried baculovirus in Xiamen .

  29. 杆状病毒DNA聚合酶基因属于杆状病毒早期基因,是杆状病毒复制的必需基因。

    Baculovirus DNA polymerase gene belongs to an early gene of baculovirus . It is a necessary gene required for replication of virus in insect cells .

  30. 杆状病毒J结构域蛋白基因的克隆、表达和抗体的制备

    Cloning and Expression of a Baculovirus J Domain Protein Gene in E. coli and Preparation of Antiserum