
  • 网络Lee Iacocca;Lee Iaccoca;Lee Iacoca;Lea Iacocca
  1. 在当今的美国,李·艾柯卡是得到最广泛认可的管理者之一。

    Lee Iacocca is one of the most widely recognized managers in the Unite States today .

  2. 李·艾柯卡具备管理者应有的各种素质,而在领导和协调人际关系方面尤为家出。

    Lee Iacocca has all the skills needed by managers , but is especially strong in the areas of leadership and human relations .

  3. 如李·艾柯卡奇迹般地赢得了联邦政府的贷款,拯救了举步维艰的克莱斯勒汽车公司。

    Lee Iacocca , against nearly impossible odds , convinced the federal government to guarantee a loan , which saved the struggling Chrysler Company .