
  • 网络Lee Shau Kee;Lee Shau-kee;siu-kei lee
  1. 浸会大学喜获李兆基基金会捐赠五百万港元,以支持浸大的发展,包括全港首家视觉艺术院。

    HKBU has received a donation of HK $ 5 million from the Lee Shau Kee Foundation in support of the University 's development including the territory 's first Academy of Visual Arts .

  2. 副监督先生,本人谨代表香港科技大学,恭请阁下颁授工商管理学荣誉博士学位予世界商业领袖,地产界翘楚及慈善家李兆基博士。

    Mr pro-chancellor , I have the honor to presentto you , on behalf of the university , Dr Lee Shau kee , global businessleader , real property baron and philanthropist , for the degree ofdoctor of business administration honoris causa .

  3. 中国铁建吸引了知名投资者的强劲需求,其中包括香港大亨李兆基和郑裕彤、新加坡的淡马锡(Temasek),甚至美国耶鲁大学(YaleUniversity)。

    China Railway Construction attracted strong demand from high-profile investors such as Hong Kong tycoons Lee Shau-kee and Cheng Yu-tung , Temasek of Singapore and even Yale University .

  4. 恒基董事长李兆基(leeshau-kee)证实,这位买家主确实购买了干德道39号的另外5套公寓,但他否认这些公寓是以低于市价的价格售出的。

    While confirming that the buyer also purchased five other flats at 39 conduit Road , Lee shau-kee , chairman of Henderson , denied that flats were sold at below-market prices .

  5. 尽管罗氏集团的规模远远不及李嘉诚(LiKa-shing)和李兆基(LeeShau-kee)等香港大亨创建的综合企业,但该集团结合了企业家精神和保守主义,这是打造香港占主导地位的家族企业的典型方式。

    While the business is much smaller than the conglomerates built by Hong Kong tycoons such as Li Ka-shing and Lee Shau-kee , Lawsgroup 's combination of entrepreneurial endeavour and conservatism is typical of the approach that built the city 's dominant family businesses .

  6. 但李兆基在评论股市时更加谨慎,坦言连他自己也觉得很难预测股市今后走向。

    Mr Lee was more cautious about commenting on the stock market , however , admitting that even he finds it difficult to predict where it would now go .