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  1. 李俊:农业土壤排放氧化亚氮的影响因素分析,《生态农业研究》,3(4)1995:63&66氧化亚氮(N2O)是重要的温室气体之一。

    Li Jun ( Institute of Geography , CAS , Beijing 100101 ) : An analysis of the factors affecting N , O emission from arable soils , EAR , 3 ( 4 ) 1995:63-66 Nitrous oxide ( N2O ) is an important greenhouse gas .

  2. 2012年年初,还在读大学的李俊创办了自己的公司。

    Li set up his company in early 2012 when he was still in college .

  3. 但是,熊猫安全公司指出,李俊有参与公司在中国一家经销商的营销活动。

    Still , Panda Security notes that Li has been involved in marketing by one of its China distributors .

  4. 为保护妻子和两个年幼的女儿,李俊还与妻子离婚,然后逃离重庆。

    He also divorced his wife , in an attempt to protect her and their two young daughters , and fled Chongqing .

  5. 2009年12月31日,李俊被带到重庆某军火库一处专门建造的审讯室。

    Mr Li was taken to a specially constructed interrogation cell at the Chongqing arsenal storage military facility on December 31 2009 .

  6. 李俊说,对于创业而言,最重要的是选择最有效的团队并持有核心技术。

    When it comes to setting up a business , selecting the most effective team and having a core technology are the most important things , says Li .

  7. 说到技术,李俊和他的团队是植物墙领域的新手,他们花了半年的时间来学习相关技术。

    As for the technology , since Li and his team members were new to the field of plant walls , they spent half a year learning about them .

  8. 李俊说:我们能在较短的时间内完成这些工作,并不是因为简单,而全靠我们全身心的投入。

    We finished all these tasks in a relatively short period of time not because they were easy , but because we were fully devoted to them , Li says .

  9. 李俊说:我根据个人志向、兴趣和能力来挑选自己的合作伙伴。在给他们分配相应的任务之前,我都要仔细考虑到他们的性格和长处。

    I selected my partners based on their ambition , interests and behavior . I considered their personality and strengths carefully before assigning work to them accordingly , says Li .

  10. 在几次回绝这位区委书记及其亲信后,李俊在2009年初发现,自己已经成了警方调查的目标。

    After rebuffing repeated advances from the secretary and people close to him , Mr Li found out in early 2009 that he was the target of a police investigation .

  11. 同年12月4日,在李俊秘密回到重庆探访家人时,被警方抓获。他被蒙上面罩、戴上手铐,然后带走接受审讯。

    While on a secret visit to his family in Chongqing on December 4 the same year , he was snatched by police , hooded , handcuffed and taken for interrogation .

  12. 来自北京一家诊所的心理精神理疗师李俊(音译)表示:幸福的定义既可以是人类最基本的需求得到满足,也可以是精神追求的最高境界。

    Li Jun , a psychologist and mental therapy practitioner at a Beijing clinic , says : Happiness can mean both the most basic human satisfaction or the highest level of spiritual pursuit .

  13. 李俊的讲述给出了详尽的细节,包括姓名、日期、地点和手机号码。一些曾为被控商人辩护的律师证实了李俊的说法,并表示刑讯逼供在打黑运动当中相当常见。

    His extremely detailed account , including names , dates , locations and cell numbers , is corroborated by lawyers who defended some of the accused businessmen and say that torture was widely used in the campaign .

  14. 头一个月,他被关押在重庆市第一看守所。一同被关押的还有其他数十名被控为犯罪团伙头目的商人。李俊说,这些人也都遭到刑讯逼供。

    For the first month he was kept in the Chongqing municipal number one detention centre with dozens of other businessmen accused of running criminal gangs , all of whom he says were tortured to extract confessions .

  15. 在北京某餐馆打工的李俊(音译)说,他跑了好几趟火车站,终于买到一张回成都老家的车票。

    Li Jun , a migrant worker who works in a restaurant in Beijing , said he finally got a ticket back home to Chengdu , Sichuan province , after visiting the Beijing Railway Station several times .

  16. 来自北京一家诊所的心理精神理疗师李俊(音译)表示:“幸福的定义既可以是人类最基本的需求得到满足,也可以是精神追求的最高境界。这是一个虽简单,却意义深远的话题。”

    Li Jun , a psychologist and mental therapy practitioner at a Beijing clinic , says : " Happiness can mean both the most basic human satisfaction or the highest level of spiritual pursuit . It 's a simple yet profound topic . "

  17. 2010年3月5日,李俊在缴纳罚款后获释。专案组还提供给他若干文件,其中表示他们没有发现证据显示李俊有过犯罪行为,称李俊应被视为良好公民。

    On March 5 2010 , Mr Li was released after paying the fine , and was given a set of documents from his captors stating they had found no evidence of any crimes and he was to be regarded as a person of good standing .