
  1. 李适之为人老实,就信以为真,马上就去告诉了皇上。

    Li Shr-jr being of an honest and upright disposition , believed that it was true , and immediately went and told the emperor .

  2. 有一次,大臣李适之冒犯了李林甫,李林甫表面上并不在意,还装作对这个大臣特别好。

    One time , the minister Li Shr-jr offended Li Lin-fu . Li Lin-fu pretended not to care , and was in fact especially nice to the minister .

  3. 然后有一天,李林甫告诉李适之在华山后面藏着金子,并怂恿他让皇上去挖金。

    Then on a day , he told Li Shr-jr about some gold that was hidden over in Hua Mountain , and encouraged him to suggest mining this gold to the emperor .