- 网络Charles Li

Charles Li , chief executive of the Hong Kong stock exchange , described the new market opening as a historic moment that would redefine Hong Kong .
Charles Li , chief executive of Hong Kong Exchanges Clearing , has played down the idea that a launch is imminent , saying last week there is no set timetable .
Mr Li 's challenge will be to boost profits while fighting off competition from the Shanghai Stock Exchange and from alternative trading platforms , known as dark pools , which threaten to take market share .
He declined to comment on whether HKEx was bidding for the LME .
However , Charles Li , HKEx chief executive , said the exchange was likely to focus on commodity products that could be used by domestic Chinese traders and companies that wanted to hedge risk in Renminbi .
He has said that a key goal is to strengthen ties between the exchange and the mainland , the source of the majority of the $ 27bn of initial public offerings in Hong Kong last year .
Wanting to leave China for the US , Mr Li applied to study journalism at several US universities , ultimately choosing Alabama because it also accepted his wife for a teaching and research assistantship .
The venture , to be a separate company , should be up and running within three months and Charles Li , chief executive of Hong Kong Exchanges & Clearing Limited ( HKEx ) , said it would create its first cross-border indices by the end of the year .
Since then , Mr. Li has advocated for rule changes .
Our organisation must remain nimble , Mr Li said .
Mr Li could not be reached for comment yesterday .
Mr. Li said he expected Alibaba to choose New York . '
Mr Li said the venture was designed to achieve three main objectives .
For Mr Li , collaboration , rather than competition , is the way forward .
Mr Li said his exchange could team up with other exchanges or businesses in its commodities venture .
" That big gate , that big dam'holding back China 's massive investor base is coming down ," Mr.
" Therefore , we need to explore new opportunities and start new chapters , " said Mr Li .
Yet commodities contracts in Hong Kong would allow mainland investors to bypass the Shanghai zone , Mr Li said .
At present you can only use the renminbi in China . That is the bottleneck , said Mr Li .
Mr Li said he did not know who the hackers were or what they hoped to gain from the attack .
It would be based in Hong Kong and would offer products in Hong Kong dollars , Renminbi and both currencies together , Mr Li said .
Charles Li , its chief executive , has ambitious plans to make HKEx the gateway for the world 's capital markets to China .
Under Mr. Li , the exchange has focused on commodities and derivatives and has continued to capture the lion 's share of listings by mainland Chinese companies .
At the dinner Mr Li announced the launch of Asian contracts for aluminium , zinc and copper in Hong Kong , in which trading will start in December in renminbi .
The 48-year-old says he took the job because Hong Kong stood at a historic crosspoint of change , as China opens its economy to the world , a process he believes is accelerating .
While Mr Li will be the first mainlander to head the HKEx , he is no stranger to Hong Kong , having worked for about a decade in the city while at Merrill Lynch .
Renminbi-denominated products are the future , there 's no doubt about it , said Charles Li , who predicted a tug of war between market demand for more renminbi investment products and cautious Chinese regulators .
In the HKEx 2011 results statement , Mr Li said that while the company had a " Limited record " in financial derivatives and commodities , it was " uniquely positioned " to develop renminbi-denominated products tailored for Chinese demand .
Since becoming chief executive in 2010 , Mr Li has pushed for the exchange to expand beyond its traditional focus on equities , moving into the clearing of over-the-counter derivatives and the trading of products denominated in renminbi , the Chinese currency .
Asked if the joint venture was a prelude to a merger between the three exchanges , Mr Li said : " we have not talked about a merger of the exchanges , it has not been discussed at all and is not part of our plans . "