
  1. 2006年,万事达(MasterCard)邀请田溯宁(EdwardSuningTian)加入该公司董事会。田溯宁在美国接受过教育,同时还是电信产品供应商亚信(AsiaInfo)的创始人。

    In2006 , Mastercard invited Edward Suning Tian , a US-educated entrepreneur who is also the founder of AsiaInfo , a telecoms supplier , to its board .

  2. 田溯宁理由有三,其中一个是:宽带是互联网的未来。

    Tian Suning reason has3 , among them one is : The broadband is the future of Internet .

  3. 田溯宁:我想说在过去两年内,如果用一个成语来形容电信行业,可能就是沧海桑田。

    Tian Suning : I want to say in the past two years , if you use an idiom in the telecommunications industry , may be the world .