
  1. 说货不如看货,公子和李帅不如先看看。

    Say the goods preferably see goods , the childe and Li Shuo rather and first sees .

  2. 夏威夷檀香山地球物理与行星学研究所的李帅(音)说,月球北极的水冰似乎分散一些。

    In the north , the patches of ice appeared to be more isolated , according to Shuai Li at the Hawaii Institute of Geophysics and Planetology in Honolulu .

  3. 李帅是生活在莫桑比克北部的中国商人,他参与了飓风重灾区布济的搜救工作。

    Li Shuai , a Chinese businessman from the north of Mozambique , has been taking part in search and rescue operations in Buzi , the region worst hit by Cyclone Idai .