
  • 网络Lee Eun-joo;lee eun joo;Lee Eun-ju;Eun-ju Lee;Only When I Sleep
  1. 李恩珠是韩国最有才华的女演员之一。

    Lee Eun Joo is one of korea 's most talented actresses .

  2. 上周,在奥运会开幕前的一次训练期间,李恩珠走到27岁的朝鲜体操运动员洪恩贞(HongUn-jong)面前。

    Last week , before the Games started , Ms. Lee approached a North Korean gymnast , Hong Un-jong , 27 , during a training session .

  3. 韩国首尔——没人料到李恩珠(LeeEun-ju)会在里约奥运会上成为韩国的名人之一。

    SEOUL , South Korea - Lee Eun-ju was not expected to be one of South Korea 's big names at the Rio Olympics .

  4. 当这两个来自对立国家的姑娘微笑着用李恩珠的手机自拍时,记者用镜头记录下了这个时刻。人们纷纷称颂这一刻体现了奥运精神。

    As the women from opposite sides of Korea 's divide posed , smiling , for a photograph on Ms. Lee 's phone , journalists snapped pictures of the moment , which has since been hailed as capturing the Olympic spirit .

  5. 韩国的一篇新闻报道称,被淘汰的李恩珠“正以奥运象征的身份获得重生”。然而,尽管激起了这样的情绪,这张照片尚未促使两国关系出现明显的缓和。两国政府均未就此发表评论。

    A South Korean news report said that despite Ms. Lee 's elimination , she was being " reborn as an Olympic icon . " Despite such sentiments , the photo has not led to a noticeable thaw between the two Koreas , and neither government has commented on it .