
  • 网络satellite monitoring
  1. 从西安卫星监控中心获得的数据显示卫星已经准确进入预定轨道。

    Data from the Xi'an satellite monitoring center showed that the satellite had accurately entered its orbit .

  2. 这三名太空员中国宇航员的称法计划在太空进行一些测试并发射一个小型的卫星监控站。

    The three taikonauts the Chinese term for astronauts plan to run tests in space and launch a small satellite monitoring station .

  3. 通信卫星监控和数据采集系统(SSCADA)专用于低数据速率卫星通信,可构成高性能价格比的大区域应用的专用卫星通信网。

    The communication Satellite Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition ( SSCADA ) network is dedicated to low data rate communication via satellite , and introduces private satellite communication networks as a cost effective solution for a wide area of applications .

  4. 他一直保持航向直道飞出卫星监控范围。

    He maintained that heading until the satellite orbited out of range .

  5. 那个国家会被卫星监控。

    The state will be monitoring via satellite .

  6. 你想用卫星监控港口的交通?

    You want to use satellite surveillance for all the traffic at the harbor ?

  7. 从西安卫星监控中心传来的数据表明卫星正按预定轨道运行,发射成功。

    Data from the Xi'an Satellite Monitoring and Control Center showed that the satellites were orbiting as designed and the launch was a success .

  8. 我们设置了路障,调用交通监控摄像和卫星监控,但我需要托尼来协助行动中的数据交换。

    We set up a road block , uplinked traffic cams , satellite sweeps , but I need Tony to co-ordinate the data flow with Tactical .

  9. 它在电子学、光电探测、图像处理和计算机技术不断成熟和完善的基础上得到突飞猛进的发展,并在靶场测试、卫星监控等领域有着广泛应用。

    It booms for the maturation and integrity of the electronics , photodetection , imaging processing and computer techniques , and it is widely used in range testing , satellite control ect .

  10. 微卫星DNA监控近交系小鼠的重组近交系培育研究

    Microsatellite DNA Monitoring Cultivation of Recombinant Inbred Strain of Mice

  11. 针对供电企业的特点和需要,本文给出了电力抢修车卫星定位监控系统的总体设计。

    This article discusses in detail the whole system design of electric power rush-repair car monitor system .

  12. 在基于视觉的飞行器导航与制导、遥感卫星灾害监控与环境监测、医学图像分析等应用中,常常需要对不同类型传感器获取的异源图像进行匹配。

    Matching multi-sensor images is an important work for vision based navigation and guidance , remote sensing based environmental monitoring and medical image analysis .

  13. 在《疑犯追踪》中,机器通过电话、卫星及监控摄像头来追踪每个在美国的人的动作和通讯。

    In Person of Interest , the Machine tracks the movements and communications of everyone in the US through phones , satellites and surveillance cameras .

  14. 在介绍卫星定位监控系统网络组成的基础上,详细论述了应用于该系统的一套通信协议。

    This paper discusses a suit of protocols that is applicable to the GPS monitoring system in details based on the introduction of the network compose .

  15. 在概述软件反向工程和目标代码修改的基础上,给出了对卫星导航仪监控软件的偏航报警功能改进的具体过程。

    With the software reverse engineering and the modification of target code summarized , the improvement of the off - course alarm function of the software is provided in detail .

  16. AirlineRatings还称赞了澳航使用卫星通信监控飞机发动机的技术,称其“可在出现严重安全事故之前及时监测到安全问题。”

    AirlineRatings.com praised Qantas for the way in which it monitors the engines of its aircraft using satellite communications , saying " doing so allows the airline to detect problems before they become a major safety issue . "

  17. 在现有卫星导航监控平台的基础上,提出通用平台设计理念,并针对实际应用需求,重点分析了通用平台的设计流程与实现手段。

    On the basis of present satellite - guided monitoring platform , the paper puts forward such a thought as general platform design , and according to the need Of application , it focuses on analyzing the process and fulfillment of general platform design .

  18. 卫星环境智能监控系统设计

    Design of Intelligent Monitor and Control System for Satellite Environment

  19. 卫星测控站监控系统软件结构的研究与实现

    Research and Development of Software Architecture for TTC Station Monitoring & Control System

  20. 多波段卫星测试转发监控系统的设计与实现

    The Design and Implementing of M-RF Monitoring System

  21. 基于C/S模式的船舶导航、卫星通信及监控指挥系统的设计与实现

    Design of a shipping supervising and commanding system based on c / s model

  22. 基于构件技术的卫星监测站监控系统框架的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Monitor and Control System Framework for Satellite Earth Station Based Component

  23. 水下采集到的数据存储后在预定时间通过铱星卫星发送给监控中心。

    The data got stored and will send to monitoring center by iridium satellite at the scheduled time .

  24. 本文提出了一种基于台标轮廓检测的广播电视节目视频监控系统的设计方法,应用于卫星地球站监控电视节目的质量和非法信号对电视节目的攻击。

    A broadcast TV program video surveillance system based on contour detection of station caption is put for - ward .

  25. 气象卫星在其监控范围内接收各种平台式卫星讯号发射器传送的信息。

    And the weather satellite crosses over this area and takes information from different types of what we call platform transmitter terminals .

  26. 该方案采用卫星式分区监控,每个分区由一个路由节点和多个终端节点组成。

    The satellite monitoring divisions are adopted in the scheme ; each partition is composed of a routing node and multiple terminal nodes .

  27. 气象卫星测控站监控系统为测控站的一个分系统,是实现自动化运行管理的关键设备。

    Meteorological Satellite Ground station monitoring system for Monitoring station of a branch system , is the key equipment to realize automatic operation management .

  28. 卫星导航定位监控技术正在物流行业扮演重要的角色,使得物流运输的全过程有了安全监控保障。

    Satellite navigation and positioning control technology is playing an important role in the logistics industry , making the whole process of logistics and transport with safety monitoring protection .

  29. 本文通过运用java语言设计串口服务器,针对卫星通信地球站监控系统提出了一种新的实现方法。

    In this paper , I design the serial server by java language and propose a new method aim at the realization of watch and control system in satellite communication earth station .

  30. 介绍了GPS的原理和其三大子系统(空间卫星系统、地面监控系统、用户接收系统),着重阐述了GPS系统在道路工程测量和施工中的应用。

    This paper introduces the principle of GPS and its three sub-systems ( space satellite system , ground monitoring system and user receiving system ), and emphatically expounds the application of GPS system in the measurement and construction of the road engineering .