
wèi xīnɡ ɡēn zōnɡ zhàn
  • satellite tracking station
  1. 本文着重讨论卫星跟踪基准站建设应考虑的因素和注意的问题。

    This paper focuses on the factors and problems that should be taken into consideration in the establishment of satellite tracking reference stations .

  2. 卫星与地面跟踪测控站之间的高精度时间同步对卫星的编队组网运行等任务具有重要意义,是实现卫星之间时间同步的重要手段。

    Accurate clock synchronization between satellite and ground tracking , telemetry and control ( TT & C ) station is of great significant for space missions such as the formation and networking of satellites , since it is the major means to synchronize satellites in a constellation .