
  • 网络DBS;DTH;Direct Broadcasting by Satellite
  1. 发展卫星直播产业的关键是什么?

    What are the key factors for a successful Chinese DBS industry ?

  2. 从数字电视广播的首次实现入手,介绍了机上变换器在卫星直播和CATV中的应用。

    Starting from the first implementation of digital TV broadcasting , the applications of set top converters in DBS and CATV are described in this paper .

  3. 此次卫星直播被发送到美国的千家万户。

    The live satellite broadcast was beamed into homes across America .

  4. 几种Ku波段卫星直播接收天线的设计与分析

    Design and Analysis for Several Ku-band Satellite Broadcast Receiving Antenna

  5. 基于Ka波段DVB-S2卫星直播系统浅析

    Analysis of DVB-S2 Direct Broadcast Satellite Based on Ka-Band

  6. 都怪我第87届奥斯卡颁奖典礼将于本周日晚东部时间8点30分在ABC电视台卫星直播一小段广告之后精彩继续谢谢尼尔·帕特里克·哈里斯

    Totally my fault.The 87th annual Academy Awards airs live this Sunday night at 830 eastern on ABC . We 'll be right back.Neil Patrick Harris .

  7. 在卫星直播(DBS)相控阵天线中,移相器的性能对整个卫星直播天线接收系统有重要影响。

    In Direct Broadcast Satellite ( DBS ) phased array antenna , the performance of phase shifter impacts the whole DBS antenna system greatly .

  8. 形貌检测频域低通滤波器及检测误差修正日本BS-2卫星直播电视数字伴音误码纠错方法及电路

    Error Correction Method and Circuits for Digital Television Sound of Japanese BS-2 Broadcasting Satellite

  9. 以MPEG-2为载体的数字化产品(如DVB、非线性编辑,卫星直播等)的飞速发展以及传输频带的日益紧张导致了复用器、解复用器的大量需求。

    The highly development of digital products based on MPEG-2 with usable transmittal bandwidth decreasing rapidly have resulted in the widely demand for the multiplexer and the de-multiplexer .

  10. 研究了用于接收卫星直播电视的径向缝平面天线的分析和设计方法,以及该天线在Ku波段能够辐射线极化锐方向性波束。

    The analysis and design of radial line slot planar antenna which can radiate linearly polarized pencil beams in Ku-band are presented for the application of receiving direct broadcast from a satellite .

  11. BS-2a卫星直播电视数字伴音接收系统的研制

    The Development of a Digital Sound Receiving System for TV Signals from DBS BS-2a

  12. 随着卫星直播电视,网络电视等新的视频传输技术和手段的出现,传统有线电视网(HFC)的垄断优势不复存在,各大运营商在视频传输领域的竞争加剧。

    With the emergence of new video transmission technologies and means such as live satellite television and network television , the monopoly advantages of traditional cable television network ( HFC ) no longer exist . Besides , the competition among major operators becomes fiercely in the field of video transmission .

  13. 论卫星直播电视接收机的设计

    A Discussion about the Design of Direct Broadcast TV Satellites Receiver

  14. 布莱克在圣地亚哥通过卫星直播对观众讲话。

    Blake spoke to the audience live via satellite from San diego .

  15. 卫星直播电视微带天线阵元的设计与研究

    Design and Research of Direct Broadcast Satellite Television Microstrip Antenna Array Element

  16. 视场角-直接日射表卫星直播电视接收机

    Field of view angle direct broadcasting satellite television receiver

  17. 对即将开始的卫星直播有何好的建议?

    Any good suggestions and comments about DBS Industry ?

  18. 国际数字卫星直播业务的最新发展(一)

    Latest Development of International DBS Service ( 1 )

  19. 数字卫星直播的特点

    The Trait on Live Broadcasting of Digital Satellite

  20. 该振荡器已用作卫星直播电视接收机的第二本振源。

    The oscillator has been used as second local oscillator of the satelite broadcast televisor .

  21. 卫星直播有请这对伦敦的夫妇嗨可以听到我吗

    Here they are live via satellite from London.Hi ! Can .. Can you hear me ?

  22. 本文主要介绍了数字电视、网络电视及卫星直播电视等电视技术的新发展,并就其对教育的深远影响做出了预测。

    The article introduces the new technological development in digital TV , network TV , satellite TV , then forecasts its deep influence on education .

  23. 列侬创作的歌曲《你需要的就是爱》歌词手稿在去年7月以104万美元被卖出,1967年,披头士在一次现场卫星直播节目中演唱了这首歌。

    Lennon 's handwritten lyric sheet for the Beatles '1967 live satellite broadcast of All You Need is Love sold in July last year for $ 1.04m .

  24. 针对卫星电视直播接收系统,用ADS设计了一个宽频带、高镜像抑制度、低噪声的Ku波段镜像抑制混频器,并同普通平衡混频器进行了对比分析,显示了其优越的性能。

    For the application of Direct Broadcast Satellite ( DBS ), a Ku-band high image rejection broadband mixer is designed using ADS. It appears predominant performances when compared with common single balanced mixer .

  25. 星期二最引人注目的日程安排包括布什总统通过远程卫星发表直播讲话。

    The day 's highlights include a remote satellite address by President Bush .

  26. 对我国卫星电视直播到户的初步研究

    DTH Satellite Television in China

  27. 指出了卫星电视直播到家庭将成为21世纪的世界潮流。

    This disquisition indicates the family will live satellite TV will be the world trend in 21st century .

  28. 本文通过建立此次仿真模型,可以对所设计的传输系统进行检验,也可以更好的理解卫星新闻直播原理。

    Through the establishment of the simulation model , the transmission system design can be tested , and the principle of satellite news broadcast can be also understood . 5 .

  29. 在很多国家,观众也可以通过有线网、卫星数字电视直播平台、网络电视、地面公共频道等收看。

    Access is also carried by Cable , DTH , IPTV , and even Terrestrial TV platforms or systems in many nations .

  30. 由于带有加密技术,有条件接收和付费收看成为可能,此后卫星数字电视直播产业就在全球形成一股发展热潮。

    Because of encryption , conditional access and paid watching became possible . Since then the industry of satellite broadcast digital TV in the world developed rapidly .