
ɡān rǎo bō
  • interference wave
  1. 在大庆探区,三分量地震资料中最大的干扰波是面波,X分量上的面波比Z分量上的面波强。

    In Daqing prospect area , the strongest interference wave in three component seismic data is surface wave , and the surface wave in x component is stronger than that in z component .

  2. 在野外地震数据采集过程中,地震测线上方如果有高压输电线通过,在地震记录中就存在一个50Hz左右的强单频干扰波。

    There is a strong single frequency interference wave around 50 Hz in seismic records when a high tension line crossed over a seismic line in the process of field seismic data acquisition .

  3. 基于BP神经网络的近震中地震波和干扰波的识别

    Distinguishing seismic wave and disturbing wave for local earthquake by BP neural net

  4. 干扰波调查技术在JS地区的应用

    A technique for investigation of interference waves and its application in JS area

  5. 并且通过三分量的测定说明:高频干扰波的振动方向主要是接近于在水平面内。X及Y方向的振动远大于Z(垂直)方向。

    Three-component determination results show that the vibration direction of highfrequency disturbing wave is close to the horizontal plane and the vibration along x and y direction is much larger than that along z direction .

  6. 穿越过程中斜激波与物体脱体激波发生相互作用,形成复杂的激波干扰波系结构,基本的干扰形式为复合Mach反射结构。

    In the crossing process , the OSW interacts with the detached shock wave of the missile , and the complex interaction wave system is formed . The basic interactive form is Mach reflection structure .

  7. 本文介绍了用MATLAB工具软件实现对数字信号进行频谱分析和设计IIR数字滤波器的方法,对数字地震记录中的干扰波进行谱分析和排除,实现了目标要求。

    The paper introduces solutions to analyze frequency spectrum of digital signals and design IIR digital wave filter with MATLAB tool software , which help to eliminate interfering waves from digital seismic record so as to meet the goal requirement .

  8. 强工频干扰波的提取与消除方法脑电数据采集系统中消除50Hz的工频干扰历来是一个技术难题。

    Extraction and removal of strong power interference It 's always difficult in technology to eliminate power interference of 50 Hz in Brainwave Data Acquisition System .

  9. 通过实例说明了用二维速度滤波方法可以消除VSR资料上的这种干扰波,处理后的VSP解编记录完全可同正常井中采集的VSP资料媲美。

    From example given , it elucidates that such interference can be removed from VSP data by using 2-D Filtering method . The multiplexed record after being processed is as good as the VSP data normally collected from downhole .

  10. 在BP神经网络的基础上,利用传统的STA/LTA阈值分类法建立了一个用于区分地震波和干扰波的神经网络分类器,并做了检验。

    In the paper , BP neural net model is introduced . Based on the net and STA / LTA threshold , we have built a classified method to distinguish seismic wave and disturbing wave , and test it by practice .

  11. 针对不同干扰波采用叠前F-X域相噪音去除、地表一致性异常振幅压制、自适应噪音模拟剔除、统计法异常地震道编辑、叠后随机噪音衰减等去噪技术,提高了剖面信噪比。

    Some de-noise technologies were used to attenuate noise and improve S / N of profiles , including pre-stack coherent noise attenuation in F-X domain , surface conformity anomalous amplitude pressing , self-adapt noise simulating rejection , anomalous seismic traces editing by statistics method and post-stack random noise attenuation .

  12. 盒子波调查干扰波的方法及应用研究

    Methods to Survey Interference Wave Through Box & wave and Application

  13. 输出正弦波;沙丘上出现的干扰波

    The output of sinusoidal wave ; The noises occuring on dune

  14. 时间域单频干扰波的识别与压制

    The recognition and suppression of single frequency interference wave in time domain

  15. 海上地震数据中侧面干扰波的特征与压制方法

    Scattered noise in marine seismic data and its attenuation techniques

  16. 它能控制输入信号的频谱,因而可用来提高输入信号的高频成份,补偿地层的衰减,提高地层分辨力;也可用来压制某一频率的规则干扰波(如面波、低频干扰)等。

    It can control the frequency spectrum of input signal .

  17. 数字地震记录中干扰波的排除

    How to Eliminate Interfering Waves from Digital Seismic Record

  18. 苏北地区普遍存在着低速及高速次生干扰波。

    Secondary waves widely occur in North Jiangsu prospect .

  19. 在反射波地震勘探中,一般会将折射波作为干扰波而在资料处理中将其切除掉。

    Refraction wave is often considered as interfering wave in reflection seismic exploration .

  20. 低信噪比地震记录干扰波压制方法研究

    A Method of the Interference Wave Attenuation for the Low SNR Seismic Data

  21. 地震干扰波的衰减方法及其应用

    Methods and applications of seismic interference attenuation

  22. 运动场地以白线为界.无线电干扰波场强计

    The playing area is demarcated by a white line . radio interference field intensity meter

  23. 静电放电抗扰度试验中辐射场若干特性的试验研究无线电干扰波场强计

    Static at radio wavelengths . Experimental Research on the Characteristics of Radiated Fields in ESD Immunity Testing

  24. 无线电干扰波场强计无线电波长的静电干扰。

    Static at radio wavelengths .

  25. 沙丘上出现的干扰波

    The noises occuring on dune

  26. 论沙漠区的干扰波

    On the desert interference waves

  27. 对求和记录进行自动对比,拾取有效波,剔除规则干扰波;

    Automatically compare the summed seismic records so as to pick up usable waves but remove regular noises ;

  28. 因此,如何解决既压制干扰波,又突出有效波,一直是地震勘探行业中极其重要的问题。

    So , how to suppress the interference wave in order to outstand the effective wave is important .

  29. 当地震测线穿过沙丘时,地震记录上就出现大量的与沙丘有关的干扰波。

    When seismic line passes dunes , there will occur many noises relating to dune on seismic record .

  30. 方形排列干扰波调查是近年来国外逐渐流行的一种噪声测试方法。

    Square-array noise wave investigation is widely used to test seismic noises in foreign countries in recent years .