
  1. 李明说他很高兴与我交朋友。

    Li Ming says that he has the honour of my friendship .

  2. 王强与李明两人过去长期不和,现在成了好朋友。

    Wang Qiang and Li Ming , who were at outs with each other for a long time , have now become good friends .

  3. 李明像他哥哥一样是个出色的运动员

    Liming is as good a player as his brother .

  4. 喂,李明,我们得快点。

    Hi , Liming . We must hurry up .

  5. 5.Iwouldlikeyoutomeet.我希望你来见一下。A:我希望你来见一下我们的质量经理,李明。

    A : I would like you to meet our Quality Manager , Ming Li .

  6. 李明是土生土长的成都人。他仍然记得以前在四合院(quadrangle)里生活的情景。

    Born and raised in Chengdu , Li Ming still remembers the time when he lived in a quadrangle .

  7. 我住在埃德蒙顿。李明住在石家庄。

    I live in Edmonton . Li Ming lives in Shijiazhuang .

  8. 李明:是的!我也感到高兴!

    Li Ming : Yes ! I feel happy , too !

  9. 李明讲英语和王林讲得一样流利。

    Li Ming speaks English as fluently as Wang Lin does .

  10. 李明说英语好像是美国人。

    Li Ming speaks English as if he were an American .

  11. 我不懂什么英语,李明也不懂。

    I hardly know any English , neither does Li Ming .

  12. 李明和我都坐公共汽车去学校。

    Li Ming and I both come to school by bus .

  13. 李明今天没有迟到我很惊奇。

    I 'm surprised that Li Ming was not late today .

  14. 李明会说英语,他父亲也会说英语。

    Li Ming can speak English and so can his father .

  15. 好吧,李明。你是个好孩子。

    Okay , Li Ming ! You are a good boy .

  16. 我第一次看见李明就是在他家。

    It is in his house that I first saw Liming .

  17. 我哥哥跑得不如李明快。

    My brother does not run as fast as Li Ming .

  18. 我们来准备个聚会为李明送行。

    Let 's have a party for him to say good-bye .

  19. 李明讲英语比王平讲得好很多。

    Li Ming speaks English a lot fluently than Wang ping .

  20. 李明:那就是男人的错误了。

    Li Ming : So it must be men 's fault .

  21. 珍妮找到一些旗子并给李明看。

    Jenny finds some flags and shows them to Li Ming .

  22. 这是李明写的文章。

    This is the article which is written by Li Ming .

  23. 小红和李明下午在一起玩耍。

    Xiao Hong and Li Ming played together in the afternoon .

  24. 李明想要他们的陈述生动、趣。

    Li Ming wanted their presentation to be dynamic and interesting .

  25. 中国的首都是哪座城市,李明?

    What is the capital city of China , Li Ming ?

  26. 李明和王梅是用什么把电脑连接到因特网上的?

    Li Ming is looking at Wang Mei 's new computer .

  27. 他们在李明的家里逗留了两天。

    They stay with Li ming 's family for two days .

  28. 中文译文李明:杨教授,我能进来吗?

    Li Ming : May I come in , Professor Yang ?

  29. 李明想邀请丹尼和珍妮来中国。

    Li Ming wants to invite Danny and Jenny to China .

  30. 李明:我知道在澳大利亚他们说英语。

    Li Ming : I know they speak English in Australia .