
  • 网络Ri Gun;Legan;Regan LI
  1. 前言:目的研究苦李根提取物对乙醇诱导肝损害的保护作用。

    Objective : To study protective effects of Kuli radix distillate on liver damage induce by alcohol .

  2. 第二节,内线对抗比较激烈,中国队将得分火力集中到了外围,赵继伟、李根和翟小川的三分球帮助中国队将领先优势拉开到12分。

    The second quarter evolved into a physical battle inside the arc . Then the Chinese shooters unleashed their weapons as Zhao Jiwei , Li Gen and Zhai Xiaochuan buried a series of three pointers to help China extend the lead to as many as 12 points .