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  1. 武周革命对李唐王朝的影响

    The influence of " Wu-chou Revolution " of the Tang Dynasty

  2. 这给李唐王朝提供了一个不好的历史范本。

    To the Tang Dynasty had a bad history " template " .

  3. 隋代结束了西晋以来近三个半世纪的分裂局面,开启了李唐王朝的盛事局面。

    The western end of the sui dynasty since nearly three and a half centuries divides , opens the LiTang dynasty event situation .

  4. 唐代河东地区作为李唐王朝的发祥地,由于受到统治者特殊的重视与偏爱,经济文化发展很快,科学技术也取得了长足的进步。

    As the birthplace of Tang Dynasty , the East River district of Tang Dynasty was preferred by the dictators , and its economy , culture and science and technology developed fast .

  5. 专卖制度的推行,不仅使唐政府增加了巨额的财政收入、有效地削弱了地方势力,也阻碍了商品经济的发展,催化了李唐王朝的崩溃。

    The practice of the system of monoply had brought huge state revenue and weakened the local power . Iy had hindered the development of the commodity economy and also catalysised the collapse of the Tang dynasty .

  6. 导致唐后期皇位继承不稳定性的原因是多方面的,概括来说,大致有三点:第一,李唐王朝承袭北朝各代而来,北朝各代的皇位继承状况本已混乱不堪。

    Lead to the throne of the late Tang Dynasty inherited instability because many , generally speaking , there are basically three things : first , the Tang Dynasty inherited the Northern Dynasties generations come , generations of Northern Dynasty throne inherited conditions of this confusion .