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xūn táo
  • Edification;nurture;edify;conditioning;polish;exert a gradual, uplifting influence on
熏陶 [xūn táo]
  • [polish] 被一种思想、品行、习惯所濡染而渐趋同化

熏陶[xūn táo]
  1. 读其小说,是一种美的感受和熏陶。

    Reading his novels is a feeling and nurture of beauty .

  2. 通过美的对象来熏陶学生;

    To nurture the students with fine objects ;

  3. 我们想让孩子们受到尽可能多的艺术和文化熏陶。

    We want to expose the kids to as much art and culture as possible .

  4. 他因受家庭熏陶,从小就是个天主教徒。

    He was a Catholic by upbringing .

  5. 个性是受父母和社会熏陶的结果,还是我们生而有之?

    Is personality the result of conditioning from parents and society , or are we born with it ?

  6. 这笔款项能让更多的孩子受到音乐的熏陶。

    The money could open up music to more children .

  7. 我周围是些经常读书写文章的人,我是在他们的熏陶下长大的。

    I was brought up among people who read and wrote a lot .

  8. 我母亲思想前卫,给予了我文化和艺术的熏陶。

    My mother was ahead of her time . She surrounded me with culture and art .

  9. 多年的熏陶对她影响很深,她从不愿意跟陌生人说话。

    Years of conditioning had left their mark on her , and she never felt inclined to talk to strange men .

  10. 在集体主义精神的熏陶下,孩子们互相关心,互相帮助。

    Nurtured in the spirit of collectivism , the children care for each other and help each other .

  11. 除此之外,笔者强调社会文化环境对隐喻能力发展的影响。正如wittgensteinian所指出的,儿童开始学习语言有待于接受语言学社区的训练和环境的熏陶。

    In addition , on a Wittgensteinian view , children initially learn language through being trained by a linguistic community .

  12. 传统文化的熏陶是其爱国主义精神产生和形成的文化渊源;

    The influence of traditional culture is the origin and source ;

  13. 这位新西兰人离开客栈时不仅觉得心情愉悦而且还深受文化的熏陶。

    The New Zealand native leaves feeling relaxed and culturally enriched .

  14. 是除夕的钟声熏陶的么?

    The influence of the bell is New Year 's eve ?

  15. 他小的时候受到了大量的艺术熏陶。

    He was exposed to art when he was a little child .

  16. 建议通过美的情境,对幼儿进行环境美的熏陶。

    It is suggested that children are edified by the beautiful situation .

  17. 这当然是因为她从小受到的是比较原始的文化熏陶。

    She came , of course , from a more primitive culture .

  18. 他从小受到古典音乐的熏陶。

    He had been influenced by classical music since he was small .

  19. 作为音乐家的女儿,她是在古典音乐的熏陶下长大的。

    The daughter of a musician , she was weaned on classical music .

  20. 以先辈崇高精神熏陶未来建设人才

    Edifying Future Talents with the Lofty Spirit of the Older Generation of Revolutionaries

  21. 他认为大部分的人才都必须通过培养、熏陶和磨练才能真正成材。

    He believes that most of the talents should be cultivated and nurtured .

  22. 他们在正统的宗教熏陶下长大。

    They were brought up ni the true faith .

  23. 传统文化的阴柔气质的熏陶、西方文化视角理论的系统影响等诸多方面的因素共同融合成了白先勇小说创作的女性视角。

    The feminine traditional culture and western cultural angle theories also attribute to it .

  24. 歌师、歌手们的学歌、教歌经历透示出熏陶+口传+歌书+磨练传统的山歌传承模式。

    The experience that folk song master and singer learn instruct singing inheritance mode .

  25. 充分重视学生的社会性,潜移默化地进行文化熏陶;

    Pay attention to the students ′ sociality , edify student with culture imperceptibly ;

  26. 在他大学时代又深受老师杨昌济的儒家思想熏陶。

    In his college teacher Yang Changji and by the influence of Confucian thought .

  27. 它能更新当代学子的思想意识,熏陶情操,提升人文素质。

    It can update contemporary students ideology , edification sentiment , ascending humanity quality .

  28. 首先,作家深受传统现实主义精神的熏陶。

    Most of all , Luyao was deeply influenced by the spirit of Realism .

  29. 麦尔维尔的伦理思想是矛盾的,他既忠诚于基督教,又反叛基督教,加尔文教教义的熏陶和影响培养了他对上帝根深蒂固的感情。

    Influenced by the doctrine of Calvinism he developed a deep-rooted feeling to God .

  30. 从教育内容上,要加强爱国主义教育和传统文化熏陶;

    From educational content , should strengthen education in patriotism and traditional culture edifying ;