首页 / 词典 / good

  • succeed;inherit
  • heir;descendant
  • 接续,继承:~后(以后)。~岁(来年)。~响(继承前人之业,如回声之相应)。~徽(继承先人的美德、声誉)。

  • 子孙:后~。~子。


(接续; 继承) succeed; inherit:

  • 嗣位

    succeed to the throne


(子孙) heir; descendant:

  • 后嗣



(姓氏) a surname:

  • 嗣光审

    Si Guangshen

  1. 他想生个子嗣。

    He wanted to beget an heir .

  2. 从清代立嗣继承个案看清代地方官对法律正义的救济

    Magistrates ' Legal Remedies as Seen from Cases about Adopting an Heir Inheritor in Qing Period

  3. 观察了雌、雄大鼠心肌梗塞(MI)后6小时到21天血浆睾嗣水平的动态变化。

    Serial observation were made on the variations of plasma testosterone ( T ) level from 6 hours to 21 days after myocardial infarction ( MI ) in male and female rats ;

  4. 吾之兄长劳勃。并无后嗣以继王位。

    that my brother Robert left no trueborn heirs , .

  5. 据嗣魅阿谁岛衰产铁矿石。

    It is said that this island is iron ore.

  6. 他死后无嗣。

    He died without issue = with no children .

  7. 长嗣身份为同一父母的头生子或最年长的孩子的状况。

    The state of being the first-born or eldest child of the same parents .

  8. 为父母者当及时选择在他们意中他们底子嗣所当从事的职业及训练;

    Let parents choose betimes the vocations and courses they mean their children should take ;

  9. 目的:探讨求嗣丹治疗无排卵致不孕症的临床疗效。

    Objective : To study the therapeutic effect of Qiuci Dan in treating anovulatory infertility .

  10. 吾之兄长劳勃并无后嗣以继王位盖男童乔佛里实乃

    My brother Robert left no trueborn heirs , the boy Joffrey being born of incest

  11. 土家族承嗣与称谓习俗的演变

    Change of Tujia Inheritance and Appellation Custom

  12. 第四部分对清代立嗣继承法律对后世的影响进行了分析。

    The fourth part of this papers analyzed the Qing Dynasty Heir law of inheritance for future generations .

  13. 如不美观嗣魅这对全球粮价有浸染的话,也是有助于降低全球粮价。

    This will help to hold down global prices & although possibly by less than in the past .

  14. 造模6天时,树嗣睫状肌中β-AR发生了上行调节。

    After 6 days of staring , the B-AR hi the ciliary muscle of Tree Shrew was up-regulated .

  15. 她的罪责——至少在亨利国王的眼中就是没能生下男嗣

    her sin , in Henry 's mind at least , being her failure to produce a son .

  16. 黑孔化技术取代印制板孔金属化电镀的化学键嗣工艺。

    Black hole technology is used to replace for electroless Cu process for plating through-hole wall in laminated PWB .

  17. 通过法律与民间习俗的互动使得清代关于立嗣继承的法律达到了最完备的程度。

    The Qing Dynasty Heir inherited reached the most complete extent with interaction of law and civil customs law .

  18. 她浑身上下有一团火,向四下发散着,象是在激情时刻不期而孕的一个子嗣。

    There was fire in her and throughout her ; she seemed the unpremeditated offshoot of a passionate moment .

  19. 族里的老族长将我立嗣,继承他的族长之位。

    The old Shaikh of the clan picked me to be his heir to succeed the sovereign of Shaikh .

  20. 父母对子嗣之间的慈爱往往是不平均的,而且有时是不合理的。

    The difference in affection of parents towards their several children is many times unequal ; and sometimes unworthy ;

  21. 唐宋明清寡妻立嗣法律变迁及原因探讨

    Widows Making Inheritor Change in Law and It 's Reason in Tang , Song , Ming and Qing Dynasties

  22. 土家族的承嗣经历了由“多元承嗣→单一的父系血缘承嗣→父母双向承嗣”的过程。

    The inheritance of Tujia nationality experienced the process " from multi-inheritance to singular paternity inheritance to parental inheritance " .

  23. 嗣响七子熔铸众长&王铎诗学思想简论

    Seven Sons , Descendants Cast with Other 's Strong Points & Brief Comment on WANG Duo 's Poetry and Literature Thought

  24. 没有生育男嗣后裔的男子则因缺乏生活的意义而灰暗无光。

    Those men with no male heirs , however , are regarded as a shame because they have no contents in their lives .

  25. 宗祧继承制度是中国传统的继承制度,立嗣是宗祧继承的重要制度。

    Ancestral inheriting system is the traditional inheriting system of china , heir inheriting is the important regulation of the ancestral inheriting system .

  26. 在中国,很多家庭渴望男嗣来延续家族香火,这一定程度上加剧了拐卖儿童事件的发生。

    Child abduction cases in China are in part fueled by families desperate for a male heir to carry on the family name .

  27. 阮朝第四位皇帝嗣德就是这样,他的陵园里有一个小湖和一座木亭。

    That was the case with Tu Duc , the fourth Nguyen emperor , whose tomb has a small lake with a wooden pavilion .

  28. 比如,日本武士阶级之中,平均每个父亲仅有略多于1个子嗣。

    In most other countries the rich were less fecund : the Japanese samurai produced little more than one son per father , for example .

  29. 他好了,医生嗣魅这都是我的功勋,并赞誉了我的工作。

    He got through , and the doctor affirmed it was in a great measure owing to me , and praised me for my care .

  30. 他的哥哥已死,可是他已经达到了他的目的,他已经替他的宗族找到一个子嗣了。

    His brother was then dead , but he achieved his goal , which was to find a male descendant for his ancestor 's family .