
  1. 在李森科事件中,很清楚的是,他的部分动机是对权力的渴望。

    In Lysenko 's case , it is clear that he was partly motivated by a thirst for power .

  2. 科技和政治的分裂与交融&从李森科事件和奥本海默案件看科技与政治的关系

    Division and Blending of Science and Technology with Politics & Reading the Relation between Science and Technology and Politics from the Incident of Li SenKe and the Case of Oppenheimer

  3. 在李森科事件中,他通过把自己的批评者解职甚至枪毙来确保他们沉默。

    In Lysenko 's case , he was able to ensure that his critics were silenced either by removing them from their jobs or , in some cases , having them killed .

  4. 但是,这个委员会面临着一个问题,即与李森科事件一样,许多中国的科学欺诈行为看起来来源于一些已经成为中国科学体系组成部分的固有压力。

    But the commission faces the problem that , as with Lysenko , many of China 's fraud cases appear to stem from the inherent pressures that are built into the dynamics of Chinese science .