
  • 网络Villages
  1. 第二章勾勒和呈现村庄结构类型的基本特征、村村通工程实施现状以及动员缘起的制度背景。

    The Chapter II presents the main outline and the basic characteristics of the village structure type , status and implementation of the project villages to mobilize the background of the origin system .

  2. 香椿树绿化道路投资项目的可行性研究&以长丰县村村通工程为例社会主义新农村建设乡村绿化存在的问题及建议

    The Feasibility Study on Constructing New Socialist Countryside & A case study of the project " General Highway Connecting All the Villages " throughout Changfeng County ; Problems in Virescence of New Socialism Countryside and Suggestions

  3. 村村通电。

    Each village has electricity .

  4. 1550nm光传输系统在广西村村通广播电视工程建设中的应用

    Application of 1 550 nm Fiber Optic Transmission System in Guangxi " Village-village Connection " Radio & Television Engineering Construction

  5. 村村通广播电视工程

    Project " extend radio and TV coverage to every village "

  6. 片石灌砂基层在村村通工程中的应用

    Application of Rubble Sand Filling Base in Village-to-Village Road Project

  7. 村村通工程后评价

    Post Appraisement on Project of " Village to Village "

  8. 村村通工程中卫星地面接收天线的调整

    Adjustment of Satellitic Ground Receiving Antenna in village-to-village Connection Projects

  9. 村村通水泥路工程施工质量控制与养护管理

    Control and Maintenance in Quality of Cement Road about Village-to-village-road

  10. “村村通”客车;乡村公路;行李存放区;

    Inter-village commuter bus ; Country road ; Luggage deposit ;

  11. A市移动公司村村通工程的市场开发研究

    The Market Development Research for the Village Engineering of China Mobile in A City

  12. 百色市如何实施新一轮村村通

    How to Implement New Plan of " Village to Village " in Baise City

  13. 县内乡乡通油路、村村通公路。

    Rural county-oil , every village access roads .

  14. 村村通客车的设计与开发

    " Inter-village commuter " bus design and development

  15. 试述村村通广播电视工程的建设与管理

    On the Construction and Management of " Approaching to Every Village " Radio & Television Project

  16. 加强农业信息资源整合推进广东省农村科技信息村村通工程

    Integrating agricultural information Resources to propel the sci-tech information retrieval in the rural areas in guangdong

  17. 平原水库集中供水实现村村通自来水,具有水质、水量、使用方便的优越性;

    Rural water supply from plain reservoirs has advantage of water quality , water quantity and convenience .

  18. 关于村村通及发展农村广播电视事业的思考

    Thinking on " Extending Radio and TV Coverage to Every Village " and Developing Radio and TV Undertaking

  19. 调幅微波在海岛有线电视村村通的应用

    Application of Amplitude Modulation Microwave in Island " Extend Radio and TV Coverage to Every Village " Project

  20. “村村通”中的调频广播共缆传输方案与实践

    Scheme and practice of FM signal transmission with common cable in the project of " covering every village "

  21. 村村通数字电视无线覆盖建设方案

    Construction Scheme for the Wireless Coverage of Digital TV in the Project of " Communication with Every Village "

  22. 适用于村村通的米波段10W8频道电视发射系统的研制

    Development of a 10 Watt and 8 Channel Meter Wave Band Television Transmitting System for the ' Village to Village ' Project

  23. 简要介绍村村通客车的主要技术参数、总成结构型式及设计特点。

    This paper briefly introduces the main technical parameter , assembly structure types and design characteristics of the coach for rural areas .

  24. 介绍了我省农村道路旅客运输的现状和存在的问题,为实现村村通客车的近期目标,提出了发展农村客运班车的具体措施。

    The paper introduced the current situation and existed problem of county transportation vehicles in our province , and proposed specific measures .

  25. 2007年,随着“村村通”项目的实施,中国绝大多数的村庄实现了通电,很多人第一次用上了电灯。

    In 2007 , the program of extending power supply to every village , many people saw electric light for the first time in their lives .

  26. 政府在90年代早期启动的村村通工程把电视、电话(固定电话和移动电话)以及互联网接入扩展到了农村地区。

    The government 's Village-to-Village project , launched in the early1990s , has extended television , telephone both landline and mobile and Internet connections to rural areas .

  27. 我国目前也处于初级阶段,主要是解决偏远地区、贫困地区的电话接入问题,具体讲就是村村通工程。

    Up to now , our country is also in the initial stage of universal service : focus mainly on the solution of telephone access in depressed areas .

  28. 公交公司证实了这一情况,并解释这样的安排是因为按照政府的“村村通公交”计划,各个村落必须有公交相连。

    The bus company confirmed the report , explaining that the arrangement is in line with government policy that all local villages must be connected by bus routes .

  29. 充分利用全国电话村村通的有利条件,设计了一种基于电话线的农村用电远程抄表系统。

    To fully adopt the advantage of the availability of telephone in countrywide , a remote reading system of electricity based on telephone line in rural area is designed .

  30. 要实现有线广播电视网络村村通、户户通、长期通目标,县(区)广电机构起着关键性作用。

    To achieve the target of the deployment of cable TV network covering every village , and every family for long term , the regional broadcasting organizations play an important role .