
  1. 都挑着担子回家去了;月亮从村树隙中下窥。

    They all have come home with their burdens ; the moon peeps from above the village trees .

  2. 对福建省建阳市书坊乡贵溪村的天然檫树种群结构和空间分布格局进行研究。

    The population structure and spatial distribution patten of Sassafras tzumu have been studied in this paper .

  3. 试着这样练习:想象您如何为村里将椰子树变成有重要经济价值的产品。

    Try this exercise ; think how you can transform coconut trees into significant economic values for a village .

  4. 塞浦路斯普赛夫德哈斯村里的柠檬树结出了大如足球的柠檬果,村民们非常惊奇。

    Lemon trees in a village in Cyprus have stunned their owners by suddenly bearing fruit so huge they 're almost as large as footballs .