
cūn luò
  • village;hamlet
村落 [cūn luò]
  • [village;hamlet] 村庄

村落[cūn luò]
  1. 直升机在村落上空盘旋数次才降落。

    The helicopter made several passes over the village before landing .

  2. 小说叙述了苏格兰一个村落的变迁。

    The novel follows the fortunes of a village community in Scotland .

  3. 他们已试着按铁器时代的样子重建这个小村落。

    They have tried to reconstruct the settlement as it would have been in Iron Age times .

  4. 夜间,山谷那头的遥远村落里灯光闪闪。

    At night , lights twinkle in distant villages across the valleys .

  5. 很多难民村落都在偏远地区。

    Many of the refugee villages are in isolated areas

  6. 乡村村落彼此离得很远,而且通常规模很小。

    Rural communities are widely separated and often small

  7. 好奇的游客和记者从世界各地一齐涌向这些平静的村落。

    Curious tourists and reporters from around the globe are descending upon the peaceful villages .

  8. 山洪冲毁了这个村落。

    The torrential flood annihilated the village .

  9. 洪水肆虐,村落沦陷。

    The flood wrought havoc and drowned the villages .

  10. 这座村落已完全被烧光了。

    The Hamlet had been burned to the ground .

  11. 移民侨居地往往不过是一个个迁移过来的村落,而美国实际上不是被一些种族和民族而是被一些村落拓殖起来的。

    The immigrant colony is frequently nothing more than a transplanted village , for Americas actually has been colonized not by races or by nationalities , but by villages .

  12. 监督该领域的非政府组织棕榈油观察(palmoilwatch)称,几乎可以肯定,这将导致许多村落被迫迁离。

    Many communities will almost certainly be uprooted , according to palm oil watch , a non-governmental organisation monitoring the sector .

  13. 运用SuperDecision软件对运城市的光村、阎景村、西厢村三个传统村落进行评价分析,从而选择得分最高的阎景村作为本文研究的重点,结合评价结果,提出针对性的解决措施。

    Use super decision software Yuncheng three traditional villages evaluation analysis to select Yan Jing village as the focus of this study , combined with the evaluation results , the targeted solutions .

  14. 广西融水县村落更新实践考察

    A Study on Village Reconstruction Project in Rongshui County , Guangxi

  15. 内源性的村落非农经济发展过程;

    The development process of endogenous non-agricultural economy in the village .

  16. 阐述中国传统的、系统的村落规划思想;

    Expatiating on the planning thought of Chinese traditional village system ;

  17. 虚拟现实在古村落建筑保护中的应用

    The Application of Virtual Reality in the Protection of Traditional Villages

  18. 壮族村落家族文化及其现代化

    Village and Family Culture of Zhuang Ethnic Group and its Modernization

  19. 我在村落以南约五公里处盘旋。

    I 'm cruising about five klicks south of the village .

  20. 湘南宗族性村落的面子观

    The View on Face of the South Hunan Patriarchal Clan Villages

  21. 冬季填埋场恶臭污染对周边村落的影响

    Influence of Landfill Site Odor Pollution on Nearby Village in Winter

  22. 我们去安徽省看了各处的老村落。

    We traveled around Anhui Province , looking at old villages .

  23. 他说他不能带你到村落。

    He said he cannot take you to the village .

  24. 几千年以前,人们通常居住于小村落。

    Thousands of years ago , people usually lived in small villages .

  25. 村落生态系统分布特征和模式的探讨

    Consideration on the distribution features and models of vil-lage ecosystem

  26. 第四章:京西传统村落空间的交往活动。

    Chapter ⅳ: Communication action of traditional villages in Beijing western areas .

  27. 发挥村落体育骨干的带头作用。

    Play the leading role of the backbone of the village sports .

  28. 总之,宗教文化在村落中无处不在。

    In brief , the religious culture are everywhere in the villages .

  29. 传统福州山区村落婚丧习俗述论&以闽清县村落调查为例

    On Traditional Wedding And Funeral Customs In Fuzhou Mountainous Villages

  30. 村落空间资源化&村落营建研究

    Resources Utilization of Settlements Space : Study of Settlements Construction