
  • 网络Durotan
  1. 牛头人已经开始从兽人的杜隆坦(Durotar)王国穿越荒原重建他们的莫高罗(Mulgore)王国。

    The tauren have begun the reconstruction of their nation of Mulgore , across the Barrens from the orc nation of Durotar .

  2. 在《魔兽》中,兽人并不只是头脑简单的坏蛋,也有一些角色比如杜隆坦,为了保护自己的部落,不惜牺牲自己与邪恶的巫师古尔丹决斗。

    In Warcraft , the orcs are not just mindless villains . There are characters like Durotan , who sacrifices himself while fighting with evil warlock Gul'dan to protect his clan .