
  1. 杜军曾是一名“人际关系银行家”,他与中信集团(citicgroup)高管关系密切。

    Mr Du , who denied the charges , was a " relationship banker " with close ties to senior executives at the CITIC Group .

  2. Ng表示:如果我知道(杜军)已经越墙,我会告诉他,他不能交易。

    If I knew [ Du Jun ] was over the wall , I would inform him he cannot trade , Ms Ng said .

  3. 其中最令人瞩目的一个案件是,摩根士丹利(morganstanley)前董事总经理杜军因内幕交易罪被判处7年监禁。

    In one of the most high-profile cases , Du Jun , a former managing director at Morgan Stanley Asia , was sentenced to seven years behind bars for insider trading .

  4. 杜军通过翻译表示,他对所有控罪均不服。

    Mr Du , speaking through an interpreter , pleaded not guilty to all counts .

  5. 杜军显然没有意识到,自己已登上了香港有关政府部门的拒绝入境名单。

    Mr Du was apparently unaware that he had been put on stop list by the Hong Kong authorities .

  6. 2008年7月,杜军在返回香港取走一些办公室物品时被逮捕。

    Mr Du was arrested in July 2008 after he returned to Hong Kong to pick up some office belongings .

  7. 摩根士丹利于2007年5月22日将杜军停职,进行内部调查,不到一个月后就解雇了杜军。

    Morgan Stanley suspended Mr Du on May 22 2007 , pending an internal investigation , and he left the company less than a month later .

  8. 杜军于2007年斥资8600万港元买入中信资源股份,此后出售了其中约一半股份,初期获利3340万港元。

    Mr Du paid HK $ 86m for Citic Resources shares in 2007 , and sold about half of them for an initial profit of HK $ 33.4m .

  9. 杜军此后获准动用1500万港元,用于支付律师费。他现在希望动用剩余资金,用于支付尚未缴纳的罚金。

    Mr Du was later allowed to draw down HK $ 15m to pay his legal fees , and now wants to access the remainder to settle the outstanding fine .

  10. 除了自己进行交易,杜军据称还建议其妻子购买中信资源股票,告诉她股价将会翻番。

    In addition to his own trading , Mr Du is also alleged to have advised his wife to buy CITIC Resources shares , telling her the price would double .

  11. 杜军走进一个狭窄的围栏,把香港身份证插入阅读器,拇指放在指纹扫描仪上,这时一扇小闸门应该会自动打开。

    Du Jun entered a narrow pen , fed his Hong Kong identity card into a reader and put his thumb on a fingerprint scanner , after which a small gate was supposed to swing open .

  12. 香港检方指控,杜军在2007年2月至4月,即在自己拥有与中信资源相关的实质性和非公开信息期间,用8600万港币(合1110万美元)购买中信资源的股票。

    Hong Kong prosecutors allege Mr Du spent HK $ 86m ( $ 11m ) acquiring shares in Citic Resources from February to April 2007 while in possession of material and non-public information related to the company .