
  1. 如今,ASC年收入额高达9500万美元,拥有500名雇员,并在蒸蒸日上的中国精品酒市场日渐兴隆。

    Today ASC earns $ 95m in annual revenues , employs 500 and is thriving amid a buoyant Chinese market for fine wine .

  2. 我们要让中国精品行销世界。

    Let China 's high-quality goods Be distriButed all over the world .

  3. 中国精品学术期刊数字出版平台刍议

    A Proposal to Build a Digital Publishing Platform for Chinese Premium Academic Journals

  4. 中国精品档案解析之二十商会档案:一幅近代天津历史画卷

    Archives of Commerce Chamber : A Historical Scroll Painting of Modern Tianjin-The 20th of Analyses of Chinese Archives of Good Quality

  5. 其中在国外以美国麻省理工学院的开放课件项目(MITOpenCourseWare,MITOCW)为代表,在中国以精品课程为代表。

    In which the United States abroad MIT OCW ( MIT Open Course Ware , MIT OCW ) is representative .

  6. 他还是几家中国范思哲精品店的供应商。

    He is also service provider for several Gianni Versace boutiques in China .

  7. 当代艺术异军突起中国书画精品受宠&2006春季艺术品大拍综述

    Summary of the 2006 Spring Art Auction

  8. 从《中国古诗精品三百首》看古诗英译中意境的传达

    Conveyance of Yijing ( the Artistic Mood ) in the Translation of Classical Chinese Poems

  9. 要有全球意识,要以文化神圣感和历史使命感对待走向世界的中国文化精品。

    It should have the sense of globalism and the Chinese cultural master works should be introduced to the world with the holy sense of culture and historical sense of calling .

  10. 上海博物馆藏有非常多中国古代艺术精品。

    The Shanghai Museum has a fantastic collection of ancient Chinese art .

  11. 以打造中国汽车发电机精品为公司的追求目标。

    The pursuit goal of the company is to make " Competitive product of Chinese automobile generators " .

  12. 引导中国现代文学精品的产生和现代文学创作的成熟;

    Channeling off the engendering of elaborate works of Chinese modern literature and mature of modern literary creation ;

  13. 中国高等教育精品课程资源共建共享的现状、问题、对策与相关分析

    Open and Sharing of Online Resources from China National Elaborate Courses in High Education : Actuality , Challenges , Countermeasures and Correlative Analysis

  14. 在强劲的政策扶持下,《喜羊羊与灰太狼》等中国的动漫精品也脱颖而出。

    In the strong policy support ," Goat and Big Big Wolf " and other Chinese animation quality also come to the fore .

  15. 实现对整个中国舞台艺术精品工程中音乐对表现剧作作用的整体把握。

    China as a whole to achieve the stage works of art plays the role of music in the performance of the overall grasp .

  16. 走进“存珍堂”历代中国书画复制精品展的展厅,使人仿佛置身于中国书画史的长卷中。

    Into " Cun Zhen Tang " art exhibition of chinese duplicate painting hall , as if trapped in the history of Chinese painting and calligraphy .

  17. 这一强劲市场背后的部分原因,是来自新兴市场的需求,尤其是中国这是精品葡萄酒价格惊人上涨背后的催化剂。

    Part of the reason for the robust market is demand from emerging markets , and particularly China the catalyst behind the prodigious rise in fine wine prices .

  18. 这一阶段涌现出了一大批高质量的钢琴改编曲,其中不乏钢琴协奏曲《黄河》、《百鸟朝凤》、《夕阳萧鼓》等具有世界影响力的中国钢琴音乐精品之作。

    This stage appeared a large number of high-quality and world-influence piano reorganization music works , such as piano concerto " Yellow River ", solo piano work " A Hundred Birds Paying Respect To The Phoenix " and " Music At The Sunset Time " .

  19. 出产的铁观音以其品质优良,味道香醇,被誉为中国茶中的精品。

    Tieguanyin tea produced here is widely known for its good quality and sweet fragrance .

  20. 景泰蓝又称“铜胎掐丝珐琅”,是一种中国传统的手工艺精品。

    Cloisonn é, also called copper padding thread weaving enamel , is a kind of traditional Chinese handicrafts .

  21. 艺术挂毯体现了地毯纺织艺术的最高水平,是具有典型中国风格的手工艺精品。

    Artistic tapestry is the highest form of expression of the rug weaving art , an exquisite handicraft of superb artistry in typical Chinese style .

  22. 这件宝贝将在4月8号香港会展中心举行的中国陶瓷与艺术精品春拍上进行拍卖。

    The piece will go on sale at the FineChinese Ceramics and Works of Art Spring Sale on April 8 at the Hong KongConvention and Exhibition Centre .

  23. 对联是中国民俗文化的精品,主要用于庆祝、装饰和表达个人修养,李鸿章的对联作品主要反映了他的思想和道德修养。

    Couplet is the exquisite article of folk-custom culture , which is used to celebrate , decorate and express self-cultivation . Li 's couplet reflect his mind and value .

  24. 先后在国际顶级化妆品公司担任销售经理,以及奢侈品公司担任中国品牌经理及精品经理。

    After this job , she became a sales manager of a world famous cosmetic company and later she got a position of China brand manager and boutique manager of a luxury products company .

  25. 该选题对于在全球化背景下如何构建中国核心价值体系,打造中国文化精品也具有一定启示作用。

    This topic provides a certain inspiration to the construction of Chinese core value system and creation of culture boutique under the background of globalization .

  26. 10月18日,2010中国(合肥)国际文化博览会暨第四届中国工艺美术精品展览会圆满落幕。

    The2010 China ( Hefei ) International Cultural Exposition and the Fourth Chinese Craftwork Exhibition came to a successful end on October18th .

  27. 这不足为奇&业内一高管称,一位中国妇女最近走进了海瑞温斯顿(HarryWinston)在中国的一家精品店,一天就买了价值3000万美元的钻石珠宝。

    And no wonder - according to one industry executive , a Chinese woman recently walked into a Harry Winston boutique in China and bought $ 30m worth of diamond jewellery in a single day .

  28. 于95年被中国服装总公司、中国服装协会、中国服装质量检测中心评为中国精品衬衫。

    Choose as " the up-market shirt of China " Chinese clothing head office , Chinese clothing association , Chinese clothing quality testing centre on 1995 .