
  1. 当生效条件成就时,当事人应该履行,具有执行力。

    When effect conditions come into achievement , the involved parties should fulfill the ruling which has conducting force .

  2. 不正当地促成条件成就的,视为条件不成就。

    Where a party improperly facilitated the satisfaction of a condition , the condition is deemed not to have been satisfied .

  3. 他每天5点钟起床,跑步、冲凉后就开始工作,孜孜不倦地要将强大的恶势力正法。不正当地促成条件成就的,视为条件不成就。

    He gets up at five and , after a run and shower , works tirelessly to bring mighty malefactors to justice .

  4. 当事人为自己的利益不正当地阻止条件成就的,视为条件已成就;

    Where in order to further its own interests , a party improperly impaired the satisfaction of a condition , the condition is deemed to have been satisfied ;

  5. 本文以终止原因为标准,将要约终止区分为以下若干情形:要约撤回与撤销,要约拒绝,反要约,要约有效期经过,承诺,要约所附停止条件成就,当事人死亡。

    The terminating ways of an offer are divided as terminated by revocation , rejection , counter-offer , death , lapse of time , destruction of a person , acceptance and attached terminating conditions satisfied .

  6. 员工此时并不能够行权获得期权股票,而必须等到授权日,所附条件成就时协议方才生效。

    At this moment staff can not execute the rights and obtain the option stocks , but must wait until on the authorization day when the enclosed conditions are tenable , and the agreement could come into force .

  7. 唐代扬州得天独厚的地理条件,成就了它无与伦比的交通优势。

    With its unique geographical conditions , Yangzhou got the achievements of its unparalleled advantage of the traffic .

  8. 高校管理模式的选择和实现需要教育体制改革的支撑、需要先进的管理理念、优秀的队伍建设、合理的划分学术与行政权力,而这些条件的成就必须经过艰苦的探索和努力地践行。

    The selection and practice of managerial pattern needs the support of education system reform , advanced managerial ideas and excellent staff construction .

  9. 如果请求权的履行条件已经成就或期限已经到来,该请求权的内容为设定抵押权,则请求权人可以行使别除权。

    When the performance condition realizes or term comes and the content of the claim is setting the mortgage , the party with the claim can use the exemption right .

  10. 基于非法律行为发生的不动产物权变动不以登记为生效要件,而是因法律规定的事实条件的成就而直接生效。

    The change of title to realty based on non-juristic act does not depend on registration for its legal effect , but can become effective as soon as the legally provided factual conditions are met .

  11. 预告登记是指当事人所期待的不动产物权变动因条件尚未成就而不能为终局登记前,为保全对未来取得物权的请求权或其顺位而自愿进行的暂时性登记。

    Preliminary registration means due to inadequate conditions for property right transfer , the person involved cannot reach final registration , so to secure his claim of right or schedule , a provisional registration is carried out .

  12. 市场经济条件下运动员成就动机弱化现象研究

    Ebb of Athlete Effort Motivation on the Background of Market Economy

  13. 管理类书籍倾向于以尽可能广泛的条件来定义成就:伟大的产品,快乐的员工,持续的进步,丰厚的利润,溃败的对手。

    Books on management tend to define success in the broadest possible terms & great product , happy employees , continuous improvement , gobs of profits , crushed competitors .

  14. 购股期权指的是国际战略投资人在特定的条件满足或成就时,有权选择要求目标公司向其定向的发行新股以提高在目标公司的持股比例。

    Call option means that the strategic investor will have the right to request the target company to issue new shares to it by private placement to increase its shareholding in the target company when certain conditions are satisfied .

  15. 他克服了自己的不利条件,取得很大成就。

    He surmounted his handicap and achieved great success .

  16. 新旧课程条件下高中生成就目标定向与主观幸福感的研究

    Study on Achievement Goal Orientation and Subjective Well-being of High School Students Both in the New and Old Curriculum Contexts

  17. 成长为专业人员的条件是教师的成就动机、工作满意度、反思和反思实践,以及加强教师的在职培训。

    The requirements of becoming a professional teacher include achievement motivation , job satisfaction , reflective thinking , reflective practice and training in service .

  18. 合同成立符合法定的生效要件时合同生效,但合同当事人可以对合同生效附加条件,当条件成就时,合同才生效。

    But contracting parties can attach additional conditions to the contract . Once all the conditions are met , the contract will come into force .

  19. 作者认为是客观条件和历史发展成就了希伯来法,而不是相反。

    The Hebrew Law , as per the perspectives of the author , is subject to objective conditions and historic development while not on the contrary .

  20. 以《背影》教学看语文新旧课程散文阅读教学的特点新旧课程条件下高中生成就目标定向与主观幸福感的研究

    The Different Characteristics of Teaching Prose Readings in the Old and the New Editions of Chinese Textbooks as Perceived in the Teaching of Figure Viewed from Behind Study on Achievement Goal Orientation and Subjective Well-being of High School Students Both in the New and Old Curriculum Contexts

  21. 预告登记是当事人所期待的不动产物权变动所需要的条件缺乏或尚未成就时,为保护其取得未来的物权之债权请求权而对其进行的登记。

    Advanced registration is made for the protection the claims the right to request for future property right of parties when the conditions that the changing for real estate property right which is expected by parties is needed are lack of or have not yet a achieved .

  22. 判例制度的形成需要多方面的条件,这些条件的成就必定是一个循序渐进的过程。

    The formation of the precedent law system needs many conditions in modern China , which must be a process step by step .

  23. 如果附条件租赁期所附条件不能成就,则前一个租赁期满即为本合同租赁期届满。

    Where the accompanying conditions of the conditional lease period can 't be accomplished , the expiration of the previous lease period is considered the expiration of the lease period of this contract .

  24. 由于优先购买权是附条件的形成权,权利的行使还需义务人通知其条件的成就,因此,出租人通知义务的内容、开始、期限及形式也值得重视。

    Since the formation of pre-emption is a conditional right to exercise of the right conditions need to obligations to notify their achievements , the lessor the duty to inform the content , start , duration and form are also worthy of attention .

  25. 第三章分析了附停止条件民事法律行为,认为由于附停止条件民事法律行为成立后,在当事人之间产生了某种意思表示外的效力,而当事人的效果意思要到条件成就时才发生效力。

    Because of the establishment of the act in civil law with attached conditions for its termination , there is a power outside of the meaning expression between the parties . The meaning of the parties will not effect until the conditions is fulfilled .