
  • 网络Natural landscape;natural form
  1. 借自然山水创园林真意

    Create the Intendment of Landscape Architecture by Borrow the Natural Landscape

  2. 中国古典园林以自然山水园为主要类型。

    Landscape garden is the main type of Chinese ancient garden .

  3. 山水诗:自然山水在诗人心灵中的造境

    Scenic Poems : Reflections of Natural Landscapes in a Poet 's Mind

  4. 河北省迁西城市自然山水特色资源的应用研究

    The research on Hebei province Qianxi county natural scenery characteristic resources apply

  5. 自然山水与道家人格理想

    Natural Scenery and the Ideal Personality of Taoist School

  6. 论六朝时期自然山水作为独立审美对象的形成

    On the Formation of Landscape as Independent Aesthetic Object during the Six Dynasties

  7. 谈鲁迅小说中的景物描写自然山水景物之作;

    Landscape Description in Lu Xun 's Novels poetry about description of scenery ;

  8. 浅析中国自然山水式园林与英国自然风景式园林的异同

    Analysis on Similarities and Differences Between Chinese Natural Garden and English Landscape Garden

  9. 自然山水景物之作;唐代山水诗的自然情结

    Poetry about description of scenery ; The Natural Complex Of Lyrics In Tang Dynasty

  10. 中国自然山水园的理水艺术

    Water-making Art of Natural Mountain-water Gardens in China

  11. 传统景区的建筑与自然山水

    Architecture and Nature in Traditional Landscapes

  12. 结合自然山水形势的城市设计研究

    Urban Design Study Concerned Natural Surroundings

  13. 一幢幢欧式风格的别墅精心摆放在自然山水间,构筑了世外桃园。

    Each European style villa put in the natural landscape exquisitely , constructs a world outside garden .

  14. 畅神于自然山水文化之间&济源市济渎苑规划分析

    Divinity in Culture of Mountains and Water & The Planning Analysis on Jidu Park in Jiyuan City

  15. 山水城市是充分利用自然山水规划构筑的城市。

    The landscape in the scenic city of Guilin is made up of both cultural and natural landscapes .

  16. 其内涵包括以自然山水为舞台和背景,反映公园主题。

    Its content , including the natural landscape and background for the stage , reflecting the theme park .

  17. 街道场所的创造还涉及诸多要素如建筑、自然山水、雕塑小品、植被等等,它们的组织与结合共同构成丰富多彩的街道空间。

    To create the street locale involves many elements such as architecture , natural landscape , and sculptures etc.

  18. 他的山居是一种精神意义上的自然山水园林,与两汉的天然山水园林已经有了质的区别。

    His natural landscape garden with spiritual sense , has a qualitative difference from those in Han Dynasty .

  19. 中国园林是一种自然山水式园林,追求天然之乐趣是中国园林的基本特征。

    Chinese garden is a reflection of the natural landscape , basically characterized by its pursuit of natural appeal .

  20. 城市之于区域自然山水格局,犹如果实之于生命之树。

    The cities in the region natural scenery pattern , just like the fruits on the tree of life .

  21. 城市森林文化体现的正是城市人文景观与自然山水的完美结合。

    Urban forest culture s unique charm takes on the perfect combination of the cultural landscape and the natural landscape .

  22. 假山是以自然山水为原型加以模仿并提炼的一种艺术手法,是用人工再造山石景或山石水景的通称。

    Rockwork is a kind of art which is based on the natural landscapes . It is an artificial landscape .

  23. 水库旅游是依托水库的人工建筑和自然山水、人文环境来发展旅游业[1~2]。

    Reservoir tourism rely on manual architecture , nature landscape and human culture environment of reservoir [ 1 ~ 2 ] .

  24. 山水画与中国古典园林表现的都是自然山水,两者理论上极为相通。

    Landscape painting and the performance of Chinese classical gardens are the natural landscape , both in theory , very connected .

  25. 自然山水是五彩纷呈的,咏叹桂林山水景物的桂林山水诗具有色彩美。

    The natural landscape is a colorful scene , the chant of Guilin scenery Guilin Landscape Poetry has the beauty of color .

  26. 从审美内容上看,主要表现为对自然山水的赞美和对文化山水的慨叹;

    From the aesthetic contents , it mainly shows the praise to nature landscape and the sign with regret to culture landscape .

  27. 作品意境雄浑壮阔,气势恢宏,充分体现了自然山水的秀丽壮美。

    Works , the momentum of the magnificent grand lacked artistic conception , fully embodies the magnificence of the beautiful natural landscape .

  28. 绿色生态更多是被转化为对舒适度的要求,而忽略了人们寄托在自然山水之中的情怀。

    Sustainable ecology became more of a demand for comfort ; while the yearning of a return to nature was left ignored .

  29. 本文分析了秦皇岛市建设生态园林城市自然山水资源的优势,探讨其在建设中还存在的问题,并给出合理建议。

    Some problems were discussed to analyse the predominances of Qinhuangdao 's natural wealth in building ? City and give some advices .

  30. 良好的自然山水,绵长的历史文化,成为余杭发展的优秀环境资源。

    The natural mountains and water and its long historical culture all contribute to the excellent environmental resources for the development of Yuhang .