
  • 网络Conditional color;relative colors
  1. 具有禁止路的条件色数

    On the Conditional Chromatic Number with Forbidden Paths

  2. 条件色等于零

    Conditional Color Is Null

  3. 得到了图的条件色数的上界和达到上界的图类。

    The upper bound of conditional chromatic number of graphs and the graphs satisfying this bound are obtained .

  4. 东方的艺术传统是非条件色的发展史,中国壁画的色彩和民间版画的色彩突出体现的是构成色和装饰色。

    Eastern artistic tradition is the history of the non-conditional color , the color of Chinese mural painting and Chinese folk prints mostly reflect the interacting color and ornamental color .

  5. 中国画里基本没有西洋画的固有色和条件色风貌,在概括色和抽象色风貌上中西方绘画却有着同为色彩的可比性。

    Chinese do not draw in the basic Western painting and conditions of the inherent color color features , in the summary color-color and abstract style of painting up in the West there is a comparability of the same color .

  6. 本文通过真实具有相对性的考察,破除了条件色模拟真实的乌托邦幻想,并以画家的具体作品为例,分析了条件色对色彩表现力的影响。

    This thesis has abolished the Utopian illusion that conditional color can simulate authenticity through having the authentic relativistic review , and taking the painter 's concrete works as examples , has analyzed the impact on color expression of conditional color .

  7. 通过对印象派与古典绘画的对比,笔者认为,印象派在实景写生、笔触描绘及用光谱色颜料调配色彩、运用绘画的条件色作画的规律等技法创新,有着重要的学习价值。

    Comparing the impressionistic painting with classic painting , the writer thinks that the innovation of the skills has the important value to us such as on-the-spot view sketch , style of description and color preparation by the spectral color and painting with condition colors .

  8. 当代的艺术语境和人的状态业已使条件色失去了生存的土壤,因此作为当代中国色彩艺术的教学必须改变条件色一统天下的局面。

    Contemporary artistic linguistic context and people 's state have already made the conditional color lose the soil of surviving , so , as the teaching of contemporary China 's color art , the situation that the conditional color unifies the whole country must be changed .

  9. 在艺术史的作品分析中,以条件色为主导的西方印象派虽然初显了现代艺术的端倪,但是很快就被现代艺术的观念色和构成色所取代。

    In the analyses of the works of the art history , the western impressionist who took conditional color as the leading factor has shown the clue of modern art for the first time , but they were replaced by conceptual color and interacting color soon .

  10. 【测】十字丝照明装置照明条件等色《测色》GB17743-1999电气照明和类似设备的无线电骚扰特性的限值和测量方法

    Limits and methods of measurement of radio disturbance characteristics of electrical lighting and similar equipment

  11. 电解着色工艺条件对着色膜颜色的影响铝氧化膜电解着色研究

    Effects of electrolytic colouring conditions on coloured film study of electrolytic coloring of anodized Al film

  12. 试论单宁酸/吐酒石固色工艺条件与固色效果的关系

    A Study on the Technology of Tannin / Tartar Emetic Fixing Process

  13. 本文着重讨论了孔雀兰陶瓷颜料的合成条件及呈色机理。

    The synthetic conditions and the chromatic mechanism of the peacock blue colouring is discussed importantly in this article .

  14. 设定标准条件进行舌色的采集与分析,对于舌色分类研究的准确性和可重复性具有决定作用。

    A standard condition for the collection and analysis of the tongue color play an important role in tongue color classification study .

  15. 探讨了不同护色条件的护色效果,多因素亲水胶体和乳化剂的应用功效。

    This paper studied and gained the results of keeping colour by different ways and the effectiveness of emulsifying agent to form hydrophilic colloid .

  16. 这种方法由于包含了人眼的色适应因素,所以是一种给定观察条件下基于色貌的视觉特性化方法。

    Since this kind of method involves the chromatic adaptation factor of human eyes , it is a color appearance based characterization method under some given viewing conditions .

  17. 进一步研究表明,对于给定的泵浦条件,光纤色故的缓变程度存在一最佳值。

    Given pump conditions , we found that the highest peak power and narrowest width of the Raman pulse correspond to an optimal decrement velocity of the fiber dispersion .

  18. 外部条件对玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚物质的宏观行为的影响非常大,主要表现在外囚禁势。

    The paper is organized as follows : Part I starts from external trapping potential , The macroscopic behavior of BEC matter is highly sensitive to external conditions , and primarily to the external trapping potential .

  19. 自行研制了用于水溶性染料固色的溶胶-凝胶对染色棉进行固色处理,讨论了整理工艺条件对固色效果的影响。

    Sols for fixing water-soluble dyes were prepared , and the fixing treatment was applied to direct dyed cotton by the sol-gel process . The technical conditions of treatment on the fixing effect were discussed in the paper .

  20. 为了保证速冻蘑菇良好的色泽,该实验采用五因素四水平正交实验设计,对速冻蘑菇护色和热烫处理条件如护色液的组成、热烫时间等进行了探讨。

    In order to keeping the better color of the product , five factors and four levels orthogonal experiment table was adopted , and the effects of the color protecting and blanching conditions , such as the composition of color-protecting agents and blanching time were studied .

  21. 方法:用MTT比色方法,细胞毒试验及细胞增殖实验,分析比较不同条件下MTT显色反应的性能特点。

    Methods : The colorimetric assay with MTT , and the experiments of cytotoxicity and proliferation of cells .

  22. 结果表明:单独添加VC对南瓜面条制品的色泽具有较好的增色作用,同时在光照条件下的护色作用最为显著。

    The results of hue determination showed that adding ascorbic acid could make the natural color of pumpkin noodle enhanced , and had the best effect on the color-protection under the conditions of lighting .

  23. 此条件下可供色拔的直接染料4种,在60℃皂洗牢度都≥3级。

    The color fastness to soaping reaches grade 3 or more when soaping under 60 ℃ .

  24. 而改变槽液温度、活化条件可改变饱和色,但最深色调为桔红色。

    When temperature of coloring solution and activation conditions change , it can be changed , but the deepest color tone is orange - red .

  25. 但通过调控木材干燥过程的温、湿度等条件诱发木材发色体系结构的改变,可使木材颜色变深并趋于珍贵木材的颜色。

    Wood color can be darkened and looked like precious wood color by heat-induced structure changes of wood chromophore through adjusting wood drying conditions such as temperature and moisture .

  26. 针对高频焊管焊接区的测温条件,采用比色测温仪检测焊接点温度,有效地提高了测温信号的稳定性。

    For the purpose of temperature measurement in welding zone of hi frequency welded pipe , measure the weld temperature with a colorimetric pyrometer , and improve the temperature measuring signal consistence .

  27. 研究了流动注射变色酸分光光度法自动测定制革废水中的甲醛,基于在酸性介质中变色酸和甲醛在加热条件下的显色反应,该络合物最大吸收波长在390nm。

    A flow injection spectrometric method was developed for determination of formaldehyde in leather wastewater . The method was based on the combination of chromotropic acid with formaldehyde under acidic and heating conditions . The complex compound had maximum absorption wavelength at 390 nm .

  28. 根据HCV5′端非编码区(5′NCR)设计特异型探针和引物,制作DNA芯片。在实验过程中,我们对PCR条件、杂交条件以及显色条件等进行了优化。

    Probes and primers were designed according to the sequence of HCV 5 ' non-coding region ( 5'NCR ) to fabricate DNA chip .