
tiáo wén
  • stripe;fringe;streak;band;striation;striae;vein
条纹 [tiáo wén]
  • (1) [streak;stripe]∶条形的花纹

  • (2) [fringe]∶干涉或衍射产生的亮带或暗带

  • 干涉条纹

条纹[tiáo wén]
  1. 我能看出他的深色袜子上有道条纹。

    His dark socks , I could see , had a stripe on them .

  2. 她身穿一套裤腿两边有白色条纹的亮绿色慢跑服。

    She wore a bright green jogging suit with a white stripe down the sides

  3. 这种植物的茎上长有绿色细长条纹。

    The plant 's stem is marked with thin green longitudinal stripes .

  4. 很多昆虫有黑色和黄色的条纹。

    Many insects are banded black and yellow .

  5. 深浅条纹相间。

    Dark stripes alternate with pale ones .

  6. 你喜欢方格还是条纹?

    Do you prefer checks or stripes ?

  7. 他穿着黑色上衣和条纹裤子,简直无可挑剔。

    He was faultlessly attired in black coat and striped trousers .

  8. 他身着一件条纹衬衫和一条宽松的蓝裤子。

    He was wearing a stripy shirt and baggy blue trousers .

  9. 他身穿一套件价格不菲的深蓝色细条纹西装。

    He wore an expensive , dark blue pinstripe suit .

  10. 穿上一套细条纹西装后,他马上就显得一本正经起来。

    In a pinstriped suit he instantly looked like a stuffed shirt .

  11. 这只公鸡胸部羽毛呈浅栗色,带有白色细条纹。

    The cock 's breast is tinged with chestnut .

  12. 他的条纹领带松松地挂在脖子上。

    His striped tie was loosened at his throat .

  13. 它们都带有各种色彩相间的条纹。

    They were streaked with alternate bands of colour .

  14. 床单有漂亮的方格形、条纹、斜纹和三角形图案。

    The bed linen is patterned in stylish checks , stripes , diagonals and triangles .

  15. 款式包括条纹的和格子的。

    Styles include stripes and checks .

  16. 两种色调、带条纹的墙纸

    two-tone , striped wallpaper .

  17. 火焰燃起时,犹如几条红色条纹映衬在淡褐色的墙上。

    The flames begin as a few streaks of red against the pale brown of the walls .

  18. 前卧室的墙壁被漆成淡蓝色和白色相间的宽条纹。

    The walls in the front bedroom are painted with broad , pale blue and white stripes .

  19. 她打开领带盒,看着她买回的东西:一条带有褐红色条纹的丝制领带。

    She opened the tie box and looked at her purchase . It was silk , with maroon stripes .

  20. 她买了一块粉灰条纹图案的桌布。

    She bought a tablecloth with a pink and grey striped pattern .

  21. 斑马的全身都有黑白条纹。

    The entire / whole body of a zebra is marked with black and white stripes .

  22. 有一张靠墙放着的有条纹的沙发。

    There is a striped sofa along the wall .

  23. 那把茶壶是褐色的,带有黄色条纹。

    The tea-pot was brown with yellow bands .

  24. 老虎有条纹状的皮毛。

    A tiger has a striped coat .

  25. 斑马身上有条纹。

    A zebra has stripes .

  26. 每一片白色的花瓣上都有一条红色的条纹。

    Each white petal had a stripe of red .

  27. 杰克的方格衬衫与条纹长裤不相配。

    Jack 's plaid shirt didn 't mix well with his striped trousers .

  28. 一些条纹雨篷撑开架在院子上方。

    Striped awnings had been stretched across the courtyard .

  29. 这面墙上有着条纹状的雕饰。

    There are striated engravings on this wall .

  30. 你为什么在树上刻条纹?

    Why did you streak the tree ?