
tiáo jiàn yǔ jù
  • if/conditional statement
  1. SQLPL过程支持两种类型的条件语句:CASE和IF。

    There are two types of conditional statements supported in SQL PL procedures : CASE and IF .

  2. 布尔值和条件语句的组合提供了一种使用JavaScript创建逻辑的方式。

    The combination of Booleans and conditional statements provides a way to create logic using JavaScript .

  3. 决定是通过一组条件语句而确定的,它们进行String操作以确定消息的类型。

    The decisions are found in a series of conditional statements , which execute String operations to determine the type of message .

  4. 可以通过将SQL谓词(如IN或LIKE)或逻辑运算符将多个条件语句结合来定义多个起始点。

    It is possible to define multiple starting points by using SQL Predicates ( such as IN or LIKE ) or logical operators to combine several conditions .

  5. 本节介绍DB2和solidDBSQL过程在条件语句方面的差异。

    This section describes the differences in the conditional statements of the DB2 and solidDB SQL procedures .

  6. 解决该脚本的另一种方法是使用Python,这得益于所添加的条件语句。

    Another way you can solve the script is to use Python because of the conditional statement added .

  7. Lisp条件语句将true/false表达式和代码一起使用。

    Lisp conditional statements use true / false expressions in conjunction with code .

  8. 在Linux中,脚本中可以有循环,不仅可以执行基本的条件语句,很多在编程语言中才有的功能它都具备。

    In Linux , scripts can contain loops and do more than basic conditional statements , including many things that you expect from a programming language .

  9. 如果只需在条件语句和警报中引用一个JavaScript变量而不是服务器端代码,您感觉怎么样?

    How would you feel if you have to refer only to a JavaScript variable inside condition statements and alerts rather than server-side code ?

  10. 指令式(过程式)编程可能会建议组合使用if或switch条件语句,从而获得顺序正确的应用程序逻辑,但它们并不代表代码的概念,这使得它们变得很难维护。

    Imperative ( procedural ) programming might suggest monolithic if or switch conditional statements to properly order application logic , but they fail to represent the concept of the code , making them more difficult to maintain .

  11. ClosureStylesheets让我们可以使用@if、@elseif和@else,从而基于某些变量的值来创建条件语句的分支。

    Closure Stylesheets allows the use of @ if , @ elseif and @ else in creating conditional branches based on the value of some variables .

  12. 在PASCAL到Modula-2的转换过程中,必须消除输入程序中存在的GOTO语句,转换程序消除GOTO语句(包括定义性标号)后,用循环语句、条件语句和布尔变量实现原有GOTO结构的功能。

    GOTO statements must be eliminated from input when translating Pascal into Modula-2 . The algorithm presented substitutes loop statements , conditional statements and Boolean variables for GOTO statements ( including definitional labels ) .

  13. 方便的按钮提供条件语句和操作。

    Convenient buttons have been provided for conditional statements and operators .

  14. 这是一个恶意的条件语句所造成。

    This is likely caused by a malformed conditional statement .

  15. 这是我们会学到的,第一个条件语句。

    This is the first of the conditionals that we 're going to see .

  16. 看看这个条件语句,可以看出缺少了then。

    Looking at the conditional statement , it looks like there 's a missing then .

  17. 清单1显示了条件语句与布尔值相结合的一个简单示例。

    Listing 1 shows a simple example of a conditional statement combined with a Boolean .

  18. 在开始的时候,我发现我是使用了很多条件语句。

    In the beginning , I found that I was using a lot of conditional statements .

  19. 这行代码看起来有点古怪,因为它是一个条件语句

    This line of code might look a little odd because it is a conditional requires statement

  20. DB2SQL过程中的条件语句

    Conditional statements in DB2 SQL procedures

  21. 接下来,碰到了第一个条件语句,if[$$-ne1]。

    Next , we encounter our first conditional statement , if [ $ $ - ne1 ] .

  22. 所有条件语句都利用条件表达式的真或假来决定执行流程。

    All conditional statements use the truth or falsehood of a conditional expression to determine the execution path .

  23. 像条件语句一样,它允许一个简单的语句位于分支的表达式之前。

    Like conditionals , they allow a simple statement to proceed the expression that is being switched upon .

  24. 本文还给出了一种不是基于依赖图的简单程序切片算法,该算法适合对程序中所有条件语句计算切片。

    We introduce a simple program slicing algorithm based-on data dependency , which is suitable for slicing all conditions .

  25. 通过添加逻辑和条件语句或循环语句,可以向测试添加复杂的检查。

    By adding logical and conditional statement or circular statement , you can add a complex examination toward the test .

  26. 当与条件语句结合使用时,您可以基于您编写的条件使用布尔值确定结果。

    When combined with a conditional statement , you can use Booleans to determine a result based on the conditions that you script .

  27. 在设计过程中,巧妙地使用了一个窗口实例变量和一个条件语句,解决了图片闪烁的问题。

    An instance variable and an if statement are used skillfully in the process of design , which solves the problem of picture flash .

  28. 您可以添加条件语句和迭代以进行测试,如果您想使用一个数据集运行测试,这个功能就会有所帮助。

    You can add conditional statements and iteration to tests , which can help if you want to run tests with a set of data .

  29. 然后,将响应的实际信息存储在变量中,可以使用简单的if/else条件语句结构输出不同的响应。

    The actual information is then stored in variables and you can use a simple if / else set of conditional statements to output different responses .

  30. 正如例8-2所示,我们使用条件语句来根据当前的游戏等级来初始化人的属性。

    As shown in Example 8-2 , we now have conditional statements that initialize the creature attributes to different values depending on the current game level .