
  • 网络laibin;Laibin city
  1. 基于MODIS数据的甘蔗冻害监测&以广西来宾市为例

    Monitoring of Sugarcane Frost Damage Based on MODIS Data & A Case Study of Laibin City of Guangxi

  2. 来宾市解决农村人口饮水安全困难问题的思考与对策

    Study of and countermeasure for rural people drinking water safety problem in Laibin city

  3. 关于来宾市金融支持节能减排问题的研究

    Study on Financial Support for Energy Saving and Emission Reduction of Laibin

  4. 来宾市锰工业发展存在的问题与对策

    Some Problems and Countermeasures in Laibin Manganese Industry Development

  5. 广西来宾市艾滋病流行特征与流行趋势分析

    Survey of prevalent features and trend of HIV / AIDS in Laibin City , Guangxi

  6. 广西壮族自治区来宾市农村劳动力转移途径的研究

    Studies on Rural Labor Transformation Approach in Laibin Municipality , Guangxi Zhuang Nationality Autonomous Region

  7. 区域教育规划与区域经济的发展研究&以广西来宾市为例

    Regional Education Planning and Regional Economy Development & Take Laibin , Guangxi as an Example

  8. 气象灾害对来宾市果品业的影响及改善措施

    Influence of Meteorological Disaster on Fruit Industry in Laibin and the Corresponding Measures for Improvement

  9. 国际金融危机继续蔓延我区地方经济如何应对&来宾市专题调查纪实

    The Spreading of the International Financial Crisis and Countermeasures for Guangxi National Economy & based on the Investigation in Laibin

  10. 广西来宾市城区已婚育龄妇女生殖道感染的干预研究

    Intervention studies on prevalence of reproductive tract infection in urban married women of childbearing age in Laibin city of Guangxi Province

  11. 经济树种资源是来宾市重要的优势产业,在建设绿色生态城市的发展战略中占有重要地位。

    As one of the essential industry of Laibin city , the economic tree resources play an important role in the building and construction of a green ecological city .

  12. 通过对来宾市饮水安全现状进行调查研究,分析造成来宾市农村人口饮水安全困难问题的原因,并提出了解决来宾市农村人口饮水安全困难问题的思路与对策。

    Based on investigation and study of current situation of drinking water safety in Laibin City , the author analyzed the causes for rural people drinking water safety problem in Laibin , and presented train of thought and countermeasures for this problem .

  13. 作为中国西部地区的一个新建市,来宾市百业待兴,经济社会发展处于起步阶段,各项事业处于初步发展状态。

    As a newly established city in the western region of China , many aspects of the city have to be developed ; the social and economic development is still at the start point and all undertakings ' development remains at very beginning status .

  14. 本文分析了来宾市几种主要的经济树种资源,并指出经济树种发展中存在的问题和发展对策。枣树是我国特有的经济树种,在近几年来逐渐成为我国果树中新的发展起点。

    This paper makes an analysis of the major economic tree resources in the city of Laibin , raises some problems in the development and their solutions . Chinese Date is an unique economic fruit tree in China , it becomes a new development starting point in fruit tree industry .