
  1. 这些天来会有人踢你屁股。

    One of these days somebody 's going to kick your ass.

  2. 有时间我还是来会坚持博的!

    I still believe we will be there ! Come on !

  3. 找起食物来会有什么问题吗?

    Are you going to have a problem finding food ?

  4. 还有证据表明,孩子学习起新语言来会非常流畅,发音也更为准确。

    It has been shown that young children canlearn new languages with nearly perfect fluency and pronunciation .

  5. 我们提供了一门名为“工作中建立桥梁”的课程,它是为了帮助人们通过我们称之为合作交流技巧来会比矛盾升级。

    We offer a seminar entitled " Building Bridges In The Workplace " that is intended to help people avoid escalation through the use of what we call cooperative communication techniques .

  6. 那么快来这里会不会有什么不便?

    Will it be any trouble to get over here that quickly ?

  7. 通过示例来学习会更有趣,这方面Plug-inProject向导可以提供帮助,它提供了一些样本代码,我们可以修改这些代码来满足我们的需要。

    Learning by example is more fun , and this is where the Plug-in Project wizard can give us a hand by providing some sample code that we can then modify to our needs .

  8. 举例来说,通过代码行数(lines-of-code,LOC)来度量会刺激他们写新的代码来代替现有的代码。

    For example , measuring them on lines-of-code ( LOC ) motivates them to write new code instead of reusing existing code .

  9. 在采样率受限的条件下,传统脉冲体制下的FS算法直接应用到FM-CWSAR中来,会引起严重的距离维频谱混叠,导致无法成像。

    In the case of low sampling frequency , the frequency spectrum in range may badly be folded if the conventional pulse SAR FS algorithm is used in FM-CW SAR directly , the imaging quality is deteriorated .

  10. 我们跑来这儿会送命的。

    What are we doing here ? We 'll get killed .

  11. 这颗蓝色的星球已经生病了,再等,等来的会是什么!

    This blue earth is sick . Wait ? Wait for what !

  12. 你应该很清楚,没有指示就来这里会怎么样。

    You should have known better than to come here without a directive .

  13. 不是的,我认为其他人来演奏会对我有帮助。

    No , I really think it 'd help ifisomebody else played it .

  14. 我每次来都会在这吃饭

    Jack , this is where I eat when I come up here .

  15. 你要不来,会很无聊的。

    It would be very dull without you .

  16. 来演唱会的人,很可能都不知道这些人是谁。

    The concert attendees probably wouldn 't have known about any of those people .

  17. 他们相信千金散尽还复来,会尽一切努力达成自己的目标。

    They believe in comebacks and do whatever it takes to reach their goals .

  18. 哦,随你的便吧。但你如果不来是会后悔的。

    Well , please yourself , but you 'll be sorry you didn 't come .

  19. 对于彭斯的绘画­来说,从不同的艺术史角度来解读会得出不同的结论。

    Different angles of art history would offer different interpretations of Peng Si 's works .

  20. 她一时忐忑不安起来,怕他认出她来后会得知她的经历。

    For a moment she was worried that if he recognized her he might discover her story .

  21. 等桃子渐渐长熟,那香味迎面扑来,会引得你垂涎三尺。

    Gradually , such as long-cooked peaches , then lunged at face flavor , mouth-watering you will be attracted .

  22. 如果你是一个好的倾听者,大家围着你的机会就来了会问很多问题。

    If you are a good listener , chances are the person will turn around and ask you questions .

  23. 既然(由于,因为)很多人没来,会只好延期。

    We had to put the meeting off since ( as , because ) so many comrades were absent .

  24. 对不起,我不能来参加会,因为它与足球比赛有冲突。

    Sorry , I 'm unable to take part in the meeting because it clashes with the football match .

  25. 好下一次我们来看看会发生什么,当你有连续的,从根本上说是无限的可能的能量时。

    OK , next time we 'll see what happens when you do have continuing basically unbounded possible energies .

  26. 为此,和我们一起进行这趟旅程来看看会发掘什麽秘密。

    So , stay with us on this journey through the past to see what secrets might be revealed .

  27. 别看我平时话不多,和同学聊起体育来肯定会滔滔不决的。

    Although I usually very shortly , and students will certainly pointed to the huge sports is not the issue .

  28. 我们来看看会怎样,简单的考察一下英国现在的情况,它现在也正在面临一些类似的财政问题。

    To see how , simply look to the situation in the United Kingdom , which is facing a similar set of financial problems .

  29. 我不是特别直白的人,我选择第二语言来表达会更婉转一些。

    Which Park : I 'm not a very frank person & I chose to use a second language to express myself more deftly .

  30. 倘使我具有一位气势磅礴的诗人的笔力,我就会写一首叙事诗来称颂会吏长所感到的愤怒了。

    And now , had I the pen of a mighty poet , would I sing in epic verse the noble wrath of the archdeacon .