
  • 网络Laifeng County
  1. 调查结果如下:1.来凤县农村初级中学体育教师与学生对课外体育活动所带来的影响有正确的认识,对课外体育活动的开展持支持态度。

    The results of survey are as follows : 1 . Both the physical education teachers and students in rural junior high schools of Laifeng County had a good understanding of the influences of the extracurricular sports activities and supported the development of the extracurricular sports activities .

  2. 当代土家族民族认同内涵及其特性&以来凤县土家族为例

    Connotations of Nationality Identification and Features of Contemporary Tujia Ethnic Group & A case study of Tujia ethnic group in Laifeng

  3. 小城镇的成长与民族地区区域经济社会发展&湖北省来凤县百福司镇的个案研究

    Development of Towns and Regional Economic and Social Development of Ethnic Areas

  4. 浅议民族地区县域经济发展的有效途径&来凤县经济发展刍议

    Effective ways Of Economic Development In Ethnic Minority Areas & On Economic Development In Loafing County

  5. 20岁以下育龄妇女的生育率为1.36%,其中,来凤县达2.86%。

    The fertility rate of the women aged under 20 years was 1.36 % ( 2.86 % in Lai feng county ) .

  6. 本文以来凤县枫香五村的调查资料为基础,描述了这五个村在新农村建设背景下合作医疗制度的的发展与现状,总结了当地新型合作医疗制度的模式和特点。

    Describing the development and the present situation of the cooperative medical system in these five villages with the background of the new rural construction . Summarizing the pattern and feature of the local new rural cooperative medical system .

  7. 本文以湖北省恩施土家族苗族自治州来凤县中等职业学校作为样本,研究西部民族地区中等职业教育的供给和需求分析。

    The thesis studied the support and demand of secondary vocational education in the minority district of western China , taking Laifeng Secondary Vocational School as a swatch , which is in Enshi Tujia and Miao Autonomous State , Hubei Province .