
  • 网络Incoming Inspection;iqc;Incoming Quality Control
  1. 从IQC来料检验、生产控制到成品检验,每个流程、每个环节都遵循严格、细致的标准。

    From the IQC incoming inspection , production control to finished product inspection , every process , every link in the chain follow a strict and meticulous standards .

  2. 来料检验,质量收集与反馈。

    Material incoming inspection , collect and feedback quality issue back to vendor .

  3. IQC应在《IQC来料检验表》上签名,通知货仓收货。

    IQC should sign on IQC incoming inspection form and inform warehouse to receive material .

  4. 英伦管架有限公司(BPS)的检验员,均接受过培训并获得资质,可在各阶段从事于货源检验、来料检验、过程检验和最终装配检验方面的工作。

    BPS inspectors are trained and qualified to perform inspection at various stages associated with inspection at source , receipt of materials , in-process and final assembly .

  5. 为了对货源进行检验,为了对管架集团有限公司(PSL)核准供应商提供的货物进行来料检验,特制定本程序以提供相关指导。

    This procedure is prepared to provide the instruction for source inspection and receiving inspection of the items that are purchased from the approved supplier of PSL .

  6. 负责来料检验、过程控制、出货控制等;

    Responsible for Incoming , process and outgoing quality control , etc.

  7. 制定和维护来料检验标准和程序;

    Establish and maintain incoming inspection criteria and procedure ;

  8. 对来料检验没有明确系统化进行。

    Incoming materials inspection is not performed systematically .

  9. 通过对比来料检验和加工检验结果,认为加工过程检验是冠状动脉支架管材选取和确认必不可少的一环,可作为优选管材的依据。

    By comparing the incoming inspection and the process inspection , it is concluded that the process inspection , as basis for optimizing tubing , is indispensable for selecting and confirming the tubing .

  10. 论文以ERP中采购模块为例,分析了其供应商选择与评价、合同管理和来料质量检验与验收三个部分的质量信息,构建了ERP环境下的采购质量信息功能模块。

    This paper takes procurement module in ERP for example to analyze three parts quality information of supplier selection and evaluation , contract management and incoming quality inspection and acceptance , build the function module of procurement quality information under the ERP environment .

  11. 对来料的检验覆盖率是否高?

    Does the incoming have good test and inspection coverage ?