
  • 网络repository functions;warehouse functionality
  1. IDS中还有新的仓库功能,可以在分析领域使用它实现更合理的业务决策。

    With the new warehouse capabilities available in IDS , it can also be used in the analytics area to make smarter business decisions .

  2. 数据仓库功能强大,它的分析技术主要分为联机分析处理和数据挖掘。

    DW is very powerful ; its analytic tools are mainly OLAP and Data Mining .

  3. 通过分析不同场合下对自动化立体仓库的功能要求,对货架的机械结构和堆垛机控制系统进行了设计,开发了一种由PLC作为控制核心的自动化存储系统。

    Based on analysing the requirement for the functions of automatic stereo-warehouse , the mechanism and the control system of automated storage and retrieval system ( ASRS ) is designed , which is mainly operated by PLC .

  4. 随之,完成了主要功能的详细设计,并在文中重点说明了基于J2EE,采用Oracle作为后台数据库的仓库管理功能的详细设计方法和过程。

    Then , to complete the main function of the detailed design , and in this paper illustrated based on J2EE , using Oracle as background database warehouse management function of the detailed design method and process .

  5. 建立现代公路建设管理信息数据仓库及其功能应用

    Establishing Modern Highway Construction Management Information Data Warehousing System and Its Function Application

  6. 本系统充分发挥数据仓库的功能,在采用DARPA1999数据对系统进行测评时,表明系统对入侵行为有较好的识别能力。

    The system full use function of data warehouse , the system have better recognition ability of intrusions in the DARPA 1999 data used for evaluation .

  7. 以汽车可靠性工程为技术背景,提出了汽车零部件可靠性管理数据仓库的功能架构,及基于数据仓库定量管理方法。

    The architecture of data warehouse for automobile reliability DEMS ( Dependability Engineering Management System ) and related quantitative management methods were proposed , which could be used in automobile reliability engineering .

  8. 总之,随着现代信息技术的高速发展,立库的自动化程度、操作精准度和速度都在不断提升。其次,概述了自动化立体仓库的功能与分类,以及立库设计时要考虑的基本原则。

    In short , with the rapid development of modern information technology , established library automation , accuracy and speed of operation are rising . Secondly , an overview of the functions of automated multi-layered storehouse and classification , and to introduce library design the basic principles to consider .

  9. 该文简单介绍了ETL技术,包括ETL的相关概念、ETL在数据仓库中的功能和重要地位以及现有的研究成果,然后重点介绍了ETL的具体设计和实现方法。

    This paper briefly introduces ETL technology , including the concepts related with ETL ? ETL 's function and important location in data warehouse architecture and existed research products . Then it emphasizes the design and implementation method of ETL .

  10. 数据仓库在脑功能成像中的应用

    The data-warehouse application in brain functional imaging

  11. 此产品的关键之处在于,它通过在单个产品中组合了数据仓库和存档功能,从而帮助您管理日益增加的信息量。

    The key to this product is that it helps you manage growing amounts of information by combining data warehousing and archiving capabilities in one product .

  12. 他所说的正是数据仓库应用的功能&沿着某些变量轴聚合信息并转化数据间的关系。

    This is precisely what data warehousing applications do offering the possibility to aggregate information along a variety of axis and to invert relationships in the data .

  13. 结合数据仓库的过滤功能,可以把适当的信息在适当的时间提供给适当的对象,而这正是企业取得成功的关键所在。

    Towards the filtering function of data warehouse , you can put the right information at the right time to provide to the appropriate object , which is the key to business success .

  14. 本文在简述客户关系管理内涵和管理基本理念的基础上,对电力客户关系管理系统的数据挖掘、数据仓库及软件功能进行了初步探讨,以期为电力客户关系管理系统的总体规划提供一些参考。

    Firstly the paper simply explains the meaning and the basic viewpoint of management for client relationship , then explores the data dig , data storage and software function in order to lead the total plan for the system of electric power client management .

  15. 本文介绍的FM车间环境下自动化立体仓库系统具有多功能的特点。

    This paper describes a automatic vertical stockhouse system in a FMS environment which has multifunction characteristic points .

  16. 同时对数据仓库建成后部分功能进行了展示。

    Meanwhile , some functions of this data warehouse system are shown .

  17. 多层物流仓库需根据使用功能采用与之相适应的空间组合形式。

    Multi-storey logistics warehouse needs to adopt suitable space combination forms according to the service functions .

  18. 最后系统利用阵列中不同灯号的不同颜色表示仓库作业的不同功能状态。

    Finally , different states of functions of the warehouse operation system are represented with different indices and different colors of the LEDs in the array .

  19. 本文从知识仓库的概念和功能出发,主要对知识仓库的主体结构设计、知识仓库的主题划分、知识仓库的概念模型及逻辑模型设计进行了阐述。

    This paper discusses how to build the main construction of knowledge warehouse , how to divide the subject-matter and how to design the concept model and the logic model based on the concept and the function .

  20. 以单元式仓库为模型,以立体仓库的实现功能为着眼点,分析了立体仓库的工作原理。

    Using mode of unit warehouse and taking the function of the warehouse , this article analyzes the working principle of the automated warehouse .

  21. 首先对所研究的对象进行了分析,归纳总结了最常见的自动化立体仓库的组成形式以及各项作业流程,明确了自动化立体仓库的功能结构,这些都是后续研究的基础。

    First , the study object is analyzed , summarize the most common composition of automated warehouse and the operation processes and then define the functional structure of the AS / RS , which are the basis for further research .

  22. 从系统应用的角度探讨了采油企业建立数据仓库的框架结构问题,阐述了采油企业数据仓库的组成和功能特征,给出了采油企业建立数据仓库的总体思路和实施策略。

    The problem of establishing a framework of oil production enterprise data warehouse from the perspective of system application was discussed , and the composition and functional features of the data warehouse were described . The general conception and strategy of the implementation of data warehouse were presented .

  23. 在数据仓库逻辑模型设计中,信息数据粒度的设计对数据仓库的性能、功能至关重要。

    In data warehouse logic model design , information data granularity design of the data warehouse performance and function is very important .

  24. 本文介绍了某发动机公司在集装箱配载模式下,基于仓库储位管理和信息系统相结合,在SAP的WM模块基础上开发的仓库管理系统及其功能。

    This paper introduced Warehouse Management System of one engine company , which is designed based on the combination of theories on warehouse location management and information system . It is designed based on container packing mode and SAP WM module .