
  1. 2009年的时候,杨丹发现自己的女儿在家里玩智能手机,于是她就自己出资创立了Vinci公司。

    After discovering her daughter playing around with a smartphone back in 2009 , Yang self-funded Vinci , a startup with 40-plus employees .

  2. 杨丹认为,目前针对儿童的应用程序还不够全面,无法充分满足早教的需求。

    Yang thinks current apps for children aren 't comprehensive enough to nurture early child development .

  3. 在比赛时的中国超女杨丹,这首歌她唱得动听深情。

    The Chinese Super Girl yangdan in singing contest , she sings beautifully with deep feeling .

  4. 杨丹;王宁;叶建明;

    Yang Dan et al .

  5. 在杨丹的畅想中,她的设计团队可谓广阔天地,大有作为。这款儿童平板只是投石问路之作,针对更广阔的数码生态系统,还会源源不断地推出许多后续产品。

    It will also serve as the first salvo into what Yang envisions as a larger digital ecosystem of the team 's own design .

  6. 本文是根据所学知识,结合实际工作分析、总结了成功与不成功的案例,并参阅了有关资料后,在尊敬的杨丹老师的指导和帮助下编撰完成的。

    The author finishes this article , with combined knowledge & practical experience , by summarizing unsuccessful cases in enterprises , with reference of related articles , and under the help of respectable Mr. Yang Dan .

  7. 会计信息是以数字语言来反映企业的财务状况、经营成果和现金流量,会计信息通过影响投资者的行为和公司的投融资行为,从而对经济的运行效率产生影响(杨丹等,2009)。

    Accounting information is a numerical language that is used to reflect financial position , operating performance and cash flows of a company . Accounting information influences investors ' behavior and investment and financing behavior of companies , and finally influences the efficiency of economy .