
  1. 写于早春-威廉·华兹华斯作/王佐良译

    Lines Written in Early Spring by William Wordsworth

  2. 青春——塞缪尔·厄尔曼(王佐良译)

    Youth – A Poem by Samuel Ullman

  3. 诗歌翻译与化境论&兼评王佐良的ARed,RedRose英诗汉译

    Notion of " Transformation " in poem translation & Commentary on WANG Zuo-liang 's translation of A Red , Red Rose

  4. 王佐良是研究英国文学的著名学者和优秀的翻译家。

    Wang Zuoliang was not only an English literature scholar , but a great translator as well .

  5. 王佐良的翻译观,即文化意识、“神似”、读者至上,对读者产生了深刻的影响。

    Wang Zuoliang 's translation perspectives , namely culture-consciousness , similarity in spirit , and reader-orientation , have exerted profound influences on his readers .

  6. 他的散文译作不仅忠实地传递了原文的思想内容,还巧妙地再现了原文的风格特征和美学价值。第七章是关于王佐良戏剧翻译风格的研究。

    His prose translations not only faithfully transfer the original content or ideas , but also felicitously reproduce the stylistic features and aesthetic value pertaining to the original .

  7. 既然任何语言文本都不可能脱离文化背景存在,翻译必然不仅和语言有关也和文化有关(王佐良,翻译中的文化比较,《文化与翻译》,2000)。

    Since no linguistic text can exist out of a certain cultural context , translation rightly involves culture as well as language A qualified translator should not only have language proficiency but also have adequate culture awareness .

  8. 其次,必须具备深厚的语言、文学、文化修养,必备的研究能力,做真正的文化人(王佐良语),具有宏观的文化视野和跨文化比较的能力。

    Secondly , a translator should be well equipped with adequate research competence , a broad cultural vision and cross-cultural comparative competence as well as profound accomplishment in language , literature and culture so as to bea real cultural-conscious man .